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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Yr 12 Dennis St Andrews College
  2. Planning on throwing some leaves in there and being a pretty dark tank aswell, so it may turn out like that. Problems though, No peacock eels in CHCH. HHFF maybe? Otherwise I have to wait 3 month minimum or something. Looked on redwoods website and they don't have any. Suggestions? Could ask privately but would like 2 small ones.
  3. I don't think 2 30cm eels would be comfortable in a 60cm tank although they have enough room lengthwise, width wise and vertically. At 15cm they should be fine for a while.
  4. All I know is that they grow to a max of 25-30cm, get very old, are escape artists nocturnal, pretty shy but can become accustomed to their surroundings, carnivores, get on fine together, no breeding recorded in captivity yet. 2 would fit in the tank for a reasonable amount of time, I'd put some oak leaves in the tank once I get them get a small internal filter and get a lid made.
  5. Thanks, its not just the cutting of it though. Needs to be escape proof for eels so I'm thinking it should be a glass sheet with lips (?) or small 2cm sides going down to stop it slipping off with, and with some small holes for wires etc.
  6. Yes, very low tech. Its very bare as well and I quite like the simple aquascape. I am HOPEFULLY going to get me a pair of peacock eels. After I get a suitable lid made.
  7. I am looking for someone or business to make me a glass lid for a tank. Does anyone know who to contact? Also if (is it) Barrie (?) the glass man could pm me would be good.
  8. Considered that, but they aren't really a feature fish.
  9. Yeah, I've seen that on youtube. Looks pretty good but... Not my Kinda thing.
  10. Yeah, I'm aware of that. I'll have to buy a glass lid or something. Looks like peacock/spiny eel is the smallest so far at 25/30cm
  11. Would really like 1 or 2 eels, what is the smallest as the tank for them would be 60 x35 x 30. And what is the range on their escape... skills? In other words how much range would have to be between the water line and top of tank?
  12. Joe, thanks for the info, but as I said, Very low tech and I want to keep it that way. I've already got my 4ft planted tank with discus, cories, ottos, dwarf cichlids neons etc etc. I'm Looking for something different that I haven't had before and would also like to keep the tank pretty bare.
  13. Very low tech, 2ft tank with sand/"fruit salad" substrate, 1 vallisneria plant, a few rocks for decor. What can I put in it? Has no lid so nothing with a tendency to jump, although Hopefully it will end up covered in vall and/or duckweed. Not much shelter so nothing timid, and I would like it to be... something nice/odd. I am considering pearl gouramis If I don't get any ideas. Any ideas??
  14. I like my plants. :lol: I tried that kinda look in a holding tank I had, its okay... but... Not me.
  15. Tooo Harrrd!! =P No one say "thats what she said"
  16. Not much new I guess, Added a few more swords and sticks. Still don't have a good foreground plant as I couldn't find any tenellus. I was going to put up a picture in the members tank section but one of the E. amazonicus sent out a baby plant stick thing so I've had small swords sitting everywhere.
  17. It'd make a nice suprise when you do see them though. Always having something to look forward too.
  18. Depends on fish, tank size, environment, light and tank mates I guess. I've had plenty of fish that are supposed to hide and some of them hide, and some don't. (Same type of fish) I guess if you get them big enough with plenty of cover so they feel safe where ever they go.. shouldn't be any problems.
  19. Holy cARp! Banjo's are cool. Whats the cost?
  20. Maybe a horsefaced loach? or w/e its called. Shops usually have something strange for sale. IDK if your fighter is very ... impressive... but if it already is the focus point of your fish, if you add another "unique" fish it would almost ruin the effect.
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