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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. That is one thing she got right, she said it would not be fine with neons at all. After I had told her I had kept one before and mine with neons without any major problems she shut her mouth. :lol: Mine wasn't any bigger than 20cm at the time that I was referring to in this story.
  2. This is true, but, you can't deny that some Petshop employees don't know what they're talking about. When I bought my BGK, the sales person told me they grow up to 1m, and use electricity to shock their prey and that there will be random casualties. I do know that they use electricity but only small amounts for location, and this lady really did over exaggerate how powerful they are. And then there are the ones that are all about the $$$$
  3. Cntrl + scroll button on mouse, works well too. Very fast way to read those comments left by people on this site.
  4. Imho, some bad press on a pet shop that is notorious/known for selling small tanks would do the trick. Be it newspaper, tv magazine, people will get the message, people will be awakened to the harm done to the fish and shops will probably ensure that they do not sell small tanks. So they do not become the center of bad attention. No offence to animates (I have no problems), but imagine the effect some bad press on animates would have on shops. Certainly worked for false advertising and Ribeena.
  5. Someone on here (can't remember who) stated that when fish grow, they release a hormone to stunt their growth. This is to avoid out growing small ponds etc that they have been stuck in. Eg: rock pool or large puddle etc. I would think that this natural phenomenon would cause them little harm. Definitely not saying you are wrong, or that this cause is wrong, I am just genuinely interested.
  6. I agree with what you're saying, but, is there any harm done to fish with stunted growth? - beyond adolescent (correct word?) age.
  7. Are they in the tank together at the moment? Or not? As phoenix says, they should be fine. Once they get bigger at least.
  8. They probably will become braver as time goes on, but they're most likely spooked/nervous about the loaches' size and speed. Adding some plants or driftwood will provide cover for them.
  9. Tetras also. I suggest getting more of a small variety, than getting a few of each. When you (I did anyway) start off, you always end up unhappy about the fish selection.
  10. I saw on Saturday most of the plants they have at animates here are in immersed form. Probably the same thing up north.
  11. Used polystyrene. Got 2 150 x 10 x 15cm pieces for free from mitre 10.
  12. <3 I'm only *refer to my avatar*
  13. Have I missed out on proving a point!? We have a Passat. There is indeed no 'H', and It is indeed a German VW.
  14. Website troubles for sure. ='[ was hoping it'd be fixed before I got home from dinner.
  15. Yes, I was gonna say something about that, I had a feeling I spelt it wrong. Mental block. My camera is a .... Finepx f70 EXR... Does that mean anything to you? I think its a fujifilm. Sticker on the front says 10x zoom, wide angle 27mm, award-winning super CCD EXR sensor.
  16. Mental block when I wrong photographists. Shhhh, it happens. Well, I have barely any experience taking photos, and I see a lot of people on here can take good photo's of the brightly lit tanks. This is What most of my photos look like, the brightness I mean. http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... ngs002.jpg http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... rio001.jpg (These photo's aren't too bad because I don't upload many crappy ones, but I'm sure you get what I mean) The glare I get from the top really annoys me. And there must be a way to stop it, whether its camera settings or lighting tricks. I would really like to get it looking like this, http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad1/ ... h001-1.jpg It is a photo of a reflection of my tank, but it is still Hi-def (in the reflection anyway) and the dark parts are dark and no glare. Someone help me! Having trouble getting these photos to be the correct size, sorry.
  17. It is a shame they get that big, I believe there is 1 species I found, peacock or something, that stays small ish, could look into that. They also like to dig apparently.
  18. Most of them get rather large (ish) 30cm + I think. And they need a lot of hiding spaces so you'd need a decent size tank. I was thinking of making my 120L an eel tank only instead of selling it... Should be big enough imo.
  19. As most of us know, they don't actually make a spray bar. Now, I will make my own. I went around some shops asking if they had any spray bars (internet suggested using a fluval spray bar kit as it fits perfectly) but to no success. A guy at animates suggested using Alkathene (spelling) tubing and drilling holes in it. I went to Mitre 10 and the Alkathene tubing they had was of a hose-like texture, which I did not have in mind. I saw that someone on here, who I bought some plants off one day, had made himself his own, but I think it was a pre-made spray bar, which I could not find. (I can't remember your name so if you read this send me a pm ) Has anyone made one themselves as well, and can suggest what materials to use? I will post my progress on here for others benefits as I couldn't find much on the internet last time I looked. Thanks, Dennis.
  20. I know of one lfs here in CHCH (who I wont mention just incase) who has it in one of their display tanks. Pretty sure I read that it was illegal to do that aswell...
  21. Looks great! A lot of co2! :lol: I like pic number 8 with the 2 cories cruising around together. lol
  22. If your dog keeps chewing on them and not giving them back, you can bring 2 or more balls with you. When you throw one, get the other ready and make it drop the ball before you throw the next one. Thats what we do.
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