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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I'm kind of surprised noone has called me out on the age I claimed, hahaha.
  2. I'm a bitter, cynical 50 year old.
  3. Wish I could get my driftwood to stay in place like that. Two giant brawling plecos kind of stop that though.
  4. You really need to get a better closer pic of those.
  5. Then put the spraybar so it's disturbing the surface. That should be far more than necessary to airate the tank. The only reason for airstones is if you're running an air powered filter or you like the looks.
  6. P44 always struck me as more the owner of this type of dog...
  7. Shouldn't make much difference, you can't really pack the media tightly enough together for it to restrict flow a huge amount without crushing it up and compacting it. Oops, you said tower sump, not filter. Unless you have some kind of trays or baskets to put the media in I'd go with the bag, much easier to get the media out that way for cleaning.
  8. I use hot mixed with cold. No way I want to use straight cold. Did that once, fish end up pretty much comatose, drifting around upside down bumping into things when the temp drops from 26° to 12°.
  9. Massive is an understatement, don't know what species it is, but some species of sturgeon get to 5 meters 1000+kg. It's probably a shortnose sturgeon, they only get to 3-4 feet.
  10. Probably will want a lot if you're going to ask her angrily.
  11. That's kind of like refusing to mow your yard because it might annoy your gardener who hasn't shown up in a month....
  12. I'd thought they were coldwater snails anyway, not tropical?
  13. Ira

    clay hydroton

    Shouldn't do a thing for the plants. It's inert. No different than ceramic or sintered glass media.
  14. I have to wash my hands really well if I touch them. Otherwise my fingers start to itch. A couple times, before I figured out what was happening, I rubbed my eyes before washing my hands. It made my eyes start watering and itchy. So of course I'd rub them again, watering more, rub more. Eventually end up with what looked like a big fluid filled blister on my eyeball.
  15. Depending on the tank, stocking levels and weather probably several days easy.
  16. :slfg: I once had two male gold severums that were trying to breed, dug holes in the substrate and everything, they eventually broke up after having an argument because both of them refused to lay eggs. I also had 5 jewels that kept pairing up into different pairs and would chase all the other fish off into the corner of the tank then lay eggs. After trying every single combination of them in a different tank it turned out that all 5 were females.
  17. +1 for Doctor Seuss just being stupid.
  18. I liked this when I was a little kid.
  19. I'd say it looks like a fish store sales tank, but they usually have more aquascaping than that.
  20. Might as well use the overflows for the FX5 intake. Guess I should read the last post before posting myself... :slfg:
  21. Wait, what do you mean 10mm at the top? Is there a rim of bracing around the inside top of the tank? If so there's no need for a center brace, it would just be redundant. But if you want it so you can easily put lids on it there's no harm.
  22. Don't need a calcium reactor for a planted marine. Only need that for a reef.
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