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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It's an extremely complicated, detailed and risky process to use tank water. I'll try to keep it short assuming you don't want to read a novel. Filling the tank: Put water in. Water changes: Take water out then put water in. Bored yet? :slfg: There's really not much else needed unless you're trying for a really high PH for africans. The water will probably be pretty soft so the PH can tend to drop more than on mains water. But you can just put a handful of bird grit, coral rock etc in the filter to counteract that.
  2. Like this.... http://youtu.be/zwYW_RGWSmM :thup:
  3. It converts the 12v DC you supply the unit with to 100 something volt AC. You'd need some sort of 12v power supply, yes.
  4. How did weed get into this conversation?
  5. Of course it's time for...
  6. This sounds like a job for jaycar! 2X300mm cold cathode fluorescents. Comes in white, blue or UV, comes with switch and inverter.
  7. Maybe you need to watch this once a night... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LGUN2w29eo
  8. And the bad ones are the best uses.
  9. Most posts are intended to create a reply to the post in reaction to it. Therefore all posts violate the terms and conditions of the website and should be removed. :thup:
  10. You're clearly new to the internet. :slfg:
  11. Does taking a couple days really constitute a "spike"? We need a nitpicky smiley.
  12. But she would disapprove again when I put a hole through the rat, through the ceiling, through bedroom wall, the far bedroom wall, the living room wall and out through the ranch slider and probably through the brick wall on the far side of the courtyard.
  13. Gotta watch out for the rapture coming and taking your hoses to heaven... If varying pressure is a problem maybe you could try something like a header tank with a float valve?
  14. Not really. And does it matter anyway? You're clearly not doing this because you enjoy sitting and staring at them for hours/day.
  15. A single 20 watt energy saver in the ceiling and a cheap torch for when you want to look into the tanks. Otherwise, a couple 4 foot dual fluoros should work fine, and be cheap.
  16. 72 expended extremely humane ratkillers... I don't think wifey would approve of me camping out in the attic waiting to take a shot...
  17. Ira

    GBA Breeding

    No, it's just a red spot on his head, I believe. Yes, the female just dumps the eggs and leaves, the male guards and fans them. Google "Bristlenose breeding" for specifics. They breed just like all the other bristlenose strains.
  18. Guessing at the volume of the tank, I'm just going to assume they're twice the volume of my 1.2 wide tank, so about 850 liters. I calculate you'd probably want roughly 5 of those filters.
  19. Maybe the occasional one, but in general no.
  20. Since...Yesterday...? So for one day the fish has been full up on snails and doesn't want to eat the food you're giving him and you're getting concerned? Give him a bit longer before calling an ambulance.
  21. I've been putting traps and poison in our roof trying to get all the rats that live up there. Not really sure how they're getting in. One of them was huge, tip to nose about the length from my elbow to my finger tips. I don't know how but they seem to manage to eat the bait off the traps without setting them off, or sometimes setting them off but not getting caught. I have 1 big steel trap, another big plastic one and a little tiny old fashioned wood and wire type one. One of the rats looked like he managed to eat the bait off the two big traps then get caught by the little trap that I hadn't bothered baiting, just set it and put it down.
  22. Ira


    Brazilian puffers are the closest to a community fish of the dwarf puffers. And they'll still rip out the throats/stomachs of tetras occasionally if they catch them sleeping.
  23. 300. Not much point buying anything less unless your bucket is too small for it.
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