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  1. Hi there, My class is doing an inquiry into the stream behind our school. They started with a question "Is it easier to catch Koura (crawlies) in town or in the country?" and from there have a few other question about where Koura come from and how they got into our stream and the purpose of them. I am wondering if there are any 'experts' (as we have decided we need to ask an expert) that would answer some questions on this topic for me. All it would require is answering an email or two from some kids or skyping and we would be forever grateful. Please let me know if you can help
  2. What shall I do untill i can get a new one to prevent bacteria dying off?
  3. Great - Miss Hdoubleu will buy some florish excel this weekend. We have been doing a 40% water change each week - can we do it more than once a week to help our fish out? Will any of this harm our Betta as we really love him (and Mr Bris - you should hear us when he makes an appearance from under his log)
  4. Hi guys - Our class fishtank has a yucky black hair like algee growing in it and we are worried it will be bad for our fish. We have a Betta called Zeus a Bristle nose called Mr Bris. They live with some Cardinal Tetras in our 40l tank. We have an underground filter system. The stuff is growing all over the filter, Mr Bris' log, the heater and our floating plant. When one of us cleaned the tank this morning the water coming out smelt like when you tip a vase that has had dead flowers in it out. Do you have any ideas on how we can fix this as we are very attachted to Zeus and Mr Bris and we are concerned. Miss Hdoubleu's Class
  5. I really just think she should give them to the pet shop as my niece is too young for fish (as she can't look after them) but I don't think she wants to offend the person who gave them to my niece.
  6. She lives in Tawa (by Wellington) I put backing on last time I was here to cut down on the sun light. Just feel sorry for the fish as they have a stink home and sorry for my sister as she ended up with another responsibilty she didn't need. She tries her hardest.
  7. My niece (who is 3) was given 3 goldfish for Christmas some time ago. The problem is as well is looking after two children and lots of other jobs my sister doesn't get time to clean the tank. And the tank is terrible (I clean it everytime I come down and it is dark green (you can't even see the fish) Pretty much everywhere in the house is full sun. Is there a way to keep it clean easy for her (she was landed with the job) or is anyone intersted in taking 3 fish off her hands.
  8. http://www.horizons.govt.nz/about-us/who-what-where/news/rare-mudfish-found-near-bulls/ Some good news for the species. Not far from where I live too.
  9. Hdoubleu


    One of our gouramis just KOed itself in our tank then proceeded to have a seizure. It has mostly recovered, stopped breathing for a bit however is still not free swimming. Weird.
  10. Thanks - I am worried if I get another snail the same thing will happen. She is dead - stink as. Might clean my tank now... smells like rotten fish.
  11. I think she is dead &c:ry I will have a prod to see if she reacts. &c:ry
  12. She is barely coming out of her shell... just sticks out a feeler. Her colour is wrong (her body) and her shell around the bottom is white (the rest is still blue) Siamese is not even interested in her. She has been in the tank about 4 weeks now. She has been spending a lot of time on her back with her plug in. I turned the temp down as I wondered if that was it.
  13. How long do they live? I have one and she is not looking so flash at the moment. As there is pretty much nothing I can do to help her I wondered if maybe she was just reacching the end of her life. We shut down the tank she was in (laying eggs and happy) and she now lives with my Betta and some tetras as the other tank is too acidic. Any ideas about how I can make her happy? I am a little attached to her.
  14. Of a similar theme - this is my classroom pet and the wallpaper on the computers in class.
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