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Everything posted by Ira

  1. A red line from the flash? That sounds odd...Can you post an example?
  2. Make sure you do use the flash if you're low on light because light goes through glass and a 1/60second shutter speed blurs a lot less than half a second.
  3. It's nice you give us such an easy topic that people never argue about and can easily be answered in just a few lines. In general, more light, more light, lots of light, hold the lens against the glass or at an angle so it doesn't catch reflections and turn on the macro mode
  4. I bet they did excellent attack helicopter impressions while doing it too.
  5. Ira

    koi carp??

    How can they look like koi when there are no photos in the auction?
  6. Ira

    Tank mates

    How about some surinamensis?
  7. I think that's a leopard gator....
  8. Ira

    Aqua one VS Atman

    Turn it off first... :slfg:
  9. Probably from a fish store. I've seen a tank full of 4-5" long ones in Cali. I think think they were $15 each.
  10. Ira

    Aqua one VS Atman

    The UV will only kill bacteria that travels through it, unless the UV lamp is sitting inside the cannister irradiating the media it's not going to bother your media.
  11. Ira

    Hydra and fry

    You have new hydra, you have new plants...Sounds like a case for...
  12. Ileodictyon cibarium I believe, gracile looks different.
  13. It's a little known fact that my outer form is in fact an encounter suit containing my mostly energy based body which resembles a jellyfish.
  14. Don't really care if they're edible, I'm not eating them. I don't like fungus. Found in my yard while mowing. Just thought they were interesting.
  15. It's pretty much mandatory equipment, even for a tank as small as a 200L.
  16. That's false hair algae, Chlorophyta Toupéeca
  17. I'd suggest you stomp around in it for a few minutes then stock it with mudskippers.
  18. That's called winter, wrong season. Also that's why it still, after 12 years, feels like there is something unnaturally wrong when I go outside and it's warm and dark at the same time...
  19. You should, it's awesome. Also, you get plants like these...
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