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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Which is the same reason they keep selling horribly inbred deformed mutated carp. Looks like a really pretty plant, but there are a lot of nice looking true aquatic plants too.
  2. I shove it into the gravel down to the bottom of the tank and keep it there until the water starts to flow clear then move it over one vac width. REpeat until half the tank's water is gone.
  3. I amp volting that myfishybuisness be punished for his poor spelling. Maybe if it hertz bad enough he'll refelectron on what he's done wrong.
  4. Ira


    Should be good as long as you don't have goldfish, discus, angels, bettas etc or other weak slow fish.
  5. I'd definitely like to go see it, don't want to go to Auckland to do it though. Huh, Interesting...My geeky childhood dreams involved more jets and buzzing towers. *Edit* Actually, on second thought so do my current dreams, but with more hot chicks.
  6. My dad and I were both born on Nov 3rd. Says I was the most expensive birthday present he'd ever gotten.
  7. Stream guppies.... :slfg
  8. A lot of fish orient themselves towards the light like that.
  9. Look down. Perhaps try hopping up and down once or twice and observing yourself getting sucked downwards....
  10. Why would you want an electric one when you have one powered by 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg pump?
  11. I've always heard when someone's turned 21 for the second time that's 22, then 23 for the third. I have a friend who is on her 39th 21st. Your method would make her 819 years old. Anyway, I've met Warren a few times, I know he doesn't look 23.
  12. I know a guy that sold "The metric system" and his soul on Ebay. I don't think the buyers actually paid up for either one though.
  13. Probably because the marine tanks also have actinics.
  14. Hey! I said it first! I even gave the approximate pressures! Why's he get credit for it?!? :an!gry :slfg:
  15. I've had that happen multiple times, never a loss. In fact, right now I'm trying to figure out if my stockpile if heaters actually has any that work properly. I've disassembled one that doesn't heat, it's sitting in my lap right now. A jager. There's a wire going up the middle of the heater that, if it was ever insulated, appears to have burned off all the insulation and then corroded into a pile of black powder in the bottom of the heater. Looks in perfect shape from the outside though.
  16. Oh come on, she doesn't look that bad, I wouldn't call her a dog... :slfg:
  17. I'd imagine it's possible to swap the regulators, but that wouldn't be the issue. LPG cannisters are intended to handle pressures in the region of 150 PSI to liquify the LPG. CO2 the pressure needed to liquify it is up around 800-1000PSI.
  18. My money would be on them not being as healthy as they appear.
  19. Looks like coldwater now contains... Discus. Guppies. African Cichlids. Tetras. Kribs Neons Goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish goldfish
  20. With few exceptions, like intakes without any type of strainer, healthy fish do not get stuck to filter intakes. The actual current at the strainer is relatively small. If you can get some coarse sponge, like used inside the filter, putting that over the intake would work well and not clog up quickly.
  21. You can't hurt your fish with too much oxygen. So I wouldn't worry about that.
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