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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I hope not, I still have years worth of bitter vindictiveness left to share.
  2. A school of Stellus Artoisii and a nice breeding pair of Corona Cerveza would look great.
  3. Bleah, africans. Get a good sized tank and some South american cichlids.
  4. Disable the fridge's thermostat and use a heat controller should do it.
  5. I'd have spelled it "pregnant" if "pregnate" wasn't one of the more common spellings used by the people I'm quoting.
  6. At least with livebearers people can say, "My fish is pregnate!" with a reasonable amount of accuracy.
  7. I want a basket that's bigger on the inside.
  8. Hmmm, a couple bottles of bourbon, a couple bottles of coke and Amy Pond.
  9. That's not a fan, that's a turbine!
  10. Yeah, I'd do a few things differently too. Like get this instead.
  11. This whole situation blows. Sincerely, A fan.
  12. That doesn't look right. I'm pretty sure both lines from the incoming mains power should be going to ballast and none of the mains power lines should be going directly to the tube.
  13. Ira

    PH Help

    Bird grit or coral in the filter would be my suggestion. Couple handfuls should add enough buffering and increase the PH a bit over 7.
  14. Ira

    Gurgling help

    I'm not surprised that's noisy. The water will be falling a foot or two there because you don't have a standpipe, it'll be a constant waterfall. Put a durso in and you'll cut a HUGE amount of noise out.
  15. It's easy, just do what I'm doing... This is about 7 years of growth...
  16. Ira

    Fish ID please

    The plec looks to be a baby redspot.
  17. It would have been nice to be warned what the video is of. You owe me 10 seconds of my life back.
  18. None, well a little bit so they can see and eat, but they'll usually handle complete darkness without too much trouble. Room light would be all they need.
  19. You ever been walking along minding your own business, walked through a spiderweb and...
  20. Fathers have 1 day to celebrate being a father. Non-fathers get the other 364...
  21. What do you want oxygen weed for? I wouldn't bother with it if you're wanting it to "oxygenate the water" a small pond pump circulating the water with a little fountain or something would do as well or better. I don't know that I've ever seen a pond with oxygen weed that looked like anything but a bit green mass of algae.
  22. Ira


    I don't know how that wimpy little 30 watt bulb would be remotely too much light in a 5 foot tank. No. It has nothing at all to do with the brightness. It's the overall color relative to the light produced by a carbon block of that temperature. 18,000 K will be a relatively blue light with relatively little light in the red spectrum.
  23. Nope. Convicts are pretty placid unless breeding, I've found. Also plecos are armored.
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