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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It's been a few years so I don't remember the exact numbers, but the severum I experimented on was dead at about 14 degrees. He didn't show any obvious signs of distress while cooling while cooling. Once he looked dead I checked to make sure his gills weren't moving at all. Then I warmed him up to normal tank temperature to see if he'd revive. He didn't.
  2. At least he looks small enough you could drop him in the toilet and flush it a few times to give him a bath.
  3. Be shocking if it did. :slfg:
  4. I wouldn't bother with the UV, just put it straight into your tank.
  5. Severums, and polypterus wouldn't fit in mine's mouth. He still killed them.
  6. I suppose I could have brought a few of these...
  7. A lot of them weren't released as pets. Google "Acclimitisation society" There were societies set up specifically to introduce European animals under the belief that Europeans could not survive and would not feel comfortable without the animals they were used to. Hedgehogs were one animal they introduced, not because there was any economic reason for it but because they thought it was necessary for poms to survive.
  8. Big BIG tank. Mine never bothered my plecs, but I bet he would have killed silver dollars, he killed about everything else.
  9. I wouldn't worry about it effecting your PH unless you're putting huge amounts in. You shouldn't be putting in more than a handful of small bits anyway. My fish were completely uninterested the time I tried feeding them oranges, but I haven't tried for a long time.
  10. Ira

    Bore water...

    I don't think he means individual bores are variable. He means there can be variations between different ones. Any individual bore even new should be pretty stable.
  11. They're big flaming sticks, not as fancy as candles.
  12. From the grammar and what they've said it sounds likely.
  13. That was after you upgraded from having your slaves hold mirrors to reflect sunlight inside and holding torches above them on overcast days, right?
  14. You mean like incandescent bulbs? Sure they work. If you don't mind paying 4 times as much in electricity.
  15. I'd call it bloated, but it's hard to tell. As long as it doesn't look pineconey then I'd say just wait and see if it lays eggs or dies.
  16. Ah, ok. So your common plecos are neither common plecos or plecos.
  17. Huh, I didn't think anyone had ever bred common plecs in an aquarium, so I haven't seen anything about breeding them. But presuming raising them is similar to other species that have been bred... A breeding size common plec must be seriously cramped in that tiny container. Might be better to leave them in the tank unless you're worried about them being eaten by the other fish? Forever or until you want to sell them or move them to another tank to free up space. Once their egg sac is gone. Should only be a couple days. Zuchinni is good, spinach, plecochips, etc. More variety the better. I'd just add the driftwood, assuming you have room.
  18. I can guarantee you don't. :an!gry
  19. Yeah, I agree, looks like a much smaller tank than 300 liters. 300 is a pretty good sized tank, that one looks more 100.
  20. Except for, you know...Holes in the head.
  21. How'd you manage to cut the tumor? Without anasthetic I'd imagine it didn't just lay there waiting patiently for you.
  22. Yeah, looks much more like a scrape. Probably got startled and hit his head. I don't think they tend to get HITH though, that's more of a cichlids thing.
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