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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Good job, you just admitted to commiting an offense punishable by, if I'm reading it right, up to $100,000 fine or 5 years in prison. :slfg: http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/threats-and-impacts/animal-pests/animal-pests-a-z/fish/facts/catfish/ http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/threats-and-impacts/animal-pests/animal-pests-a-z/fish/docs-work/
  2. Judging from the markings on the chameleon it's probably the same chameleon too. The lighter stripe with a bump behind its eye is the same on both.
  3. Ira

    ID help please

    Not that I remember, they were all fairly regular up until near the end. The fluff would go away then grow again from the same little pit in the skin. I suspect it was something like hole in the head with a secondary fungal infection. That's what I'd say yours is too.
  4. Ira

    ID help please

    Looks like something fungal. I had a Surinamensis that started getting something that looked similar, spent months trying to treat it. Even pulling him out of the tank and dabbing medication directly onto it. Then one day it started to burst out all over his body in giant sores and puffs so I decided it was time to put him down. At one point I tugged on one of the lumps of fluff and it came out, so I took a pic.
  5. Looks like my bedroom, no earthquake though.
  6. My leatherman, to tilt it upwards towards the camera a bit.
  7. I'm not sure if there was a question or statement there? If a question I think you answered it yourself.
  8. That's why they're indoor only or extremely calm outdoor toys. Here you go.
  9. You should put it down, it's obviously horribly deformed.
  10. Pretty small one, didn't even wake up the cats.
  11. Good thing aquarium thermometers haven't used mercury for decades. Was the line inside red? Have you ever seen red mercury? Mercury is silver. It's alcohol with a little bit of red dye in it. It's harmless.
  12. Generally 200L is considered the minimum starting size. Much smaller and they become less stable. You don't want to kill $200 fish that often because your tank is too small to be stable without a lot of maintenance.
  13. How are you acclimating them to the new tank before putting them in? Just dumping them straight in is a good way to have a lot of deaths. My losses went way down after I started floating them in the tank and putting in a small cup of water every 15 minutes for 3-4 hours.
  14. Those weren't macros, they were taken with a wide angle lens! I posted them on another board based in the US. A few posts mentioned the "Giant stinger", I told them it's not a giant stinger, it's an ovipositor used to inject eggs into people's chest cavities while they sleep. So far they seem to believe me.
  15. Step 1: See monster, scream like a little girl and run away. Step 2: Grab camera and run back. Step 3: Trap monster in wheelbarrow. Step 4: Find wheelbarrow ineffective at containment. Step 5: Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff! Step 6: Attempt to hide as it passes by. Step 7: Monster inexplicably stands still. Step 8: Back away slowly and hope monster leaves peacefully.
  16. Last time I checked butterfly caterpillars also formed cocoons? Oh, bleah, you ruined it. Needs more glutens!
  17. The process doesn't change any if it's used or new. Suck on the outlet so it's siphoning into the cannister, connect everything back up, turn it on.
  18. Dwarf cichlids. Don't even bother with lesser fish like tetras and guppies.
  19. BTB and CO2. Wait, I shouldn't give you answers, you should be doing your own homework.
  20. Cardinals tend to be hardier and easier to care for and grow a little bit bigger than Neons. Cardinals haven't had all the decades of inbreeding and poor breeding to ruin them.
  21. Some guys really like yellow chicks.
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