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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    You can have them if you don't mind risking a couple hundred thousand dollar fine and prison time. Otherwise, No.
  2. Put the spray bar a little under the water pointing slightly upwards or just at the water level so you don't get it splashing everywhere. Should be almost silent.
  3. Then move your filter so it is breaking the surface of the water. Airstones are noisy and ugly.
  4. Parrots have the ugliest babbies.
  5. Then your tank clearly still had enough oxygenation for the bioload without any filter, powerheads, airstones, etc. With small fish or a very few medium sized fish they'll usually be fine. Big fish? Nope, they can suffocate. Been there, done that.
  6. I don't know about your specific one, but the ones I've taken apart(IIRC, I haven't used one in 4-5 years) have a little reed valve under the diaphragm that the air is drawn through. Might be able to seal a small bit of hose around that valve with hot glue or similar.
  7. That's not a vacuum pump, that's just a regular air pump. Tear the pump apart and see if you can easily jury rig it so you can connect a hose to the intake and run that to the top of the tank. Otherwise if you have enough room you could just throw the pump itself in the top.
  8. You should always compare color charts in natural sunlight. The color spectrums of most fish tank lights are WAY off natural.
  9. Lol. I like this theory. Open your mouth as wide as possible and swim straight at each other. If you feel full afterwards then you were the biggest. If you feel cramped and it's dark, you were the smaller.
  10. Ira


    Kids these days have no respect for their alders.
  11. Yes. Yes, but best not the ones in syrup like Caryl says. Yes. All good. Yes No. Yes Yes
  12. It's too bad the forum doesn't have some kind of search function that might have given you a list of all the threads about them that have been posted before. One of which has almost exactly the same thread title "Triops in NZ? Yes/No?" http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/search.php?keywords=triops&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search There are also a few NZ sites(Well, I'm looking at 1 now anyway) that sell triops. Curious how that goes if you order them...
  13. Don't feed them too much, they'll get addicted and then they'll do anything for a buzz...
  14. You're not looking for a computer. You're looking for a thermometer and a PH tester. Unless you want to control ozone, dosing pumps, Co2, lights, heat, pumps, wavemakers, pager/txt alerts, logging... If you really want one, here's a couple year old comparison chart of them: http://www.aquariumcontrollers.com/aquarium-equipment-comparisons.php#controllerchart
  15. I dunno...He's kinda funny looking shaved... :slfg:
  16. I don't think pellets would work well at all for a tank stand. Blue Pellets: Blue pallet:
  17. You haven't used any medications, snail rid or similar when they were used in the FW tank, have you? Copper meds will contaminate the base rock and can poison any inverts you try to put in the tank when it's used in a saltwater.
  18. Water changes. Carbon. Remove the driftwood that is making the water brown.
  19. Yeah, Eclectus are really pretty. For the midsized parrots I really like Gallahs, all I've met seem to have really nice personalities and they're relatively quiet.
  20. Like most livebearers, if they've ever been in a tank with a male then they've been knocked up.
  21. You have to cut them really small so they fit through the mouth. [/morbid joke]
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