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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Sounds like you're not getting it primed properly since you say the impeller is spinning.
  2. Try traceroute too. If it's getting stopped somewhere that might tell you where. Oops, "tracert fishpond.co.nz"
  3. Why? You'd have to have a HUGE one, with much larger than a 20w light to make it worth the time. Then you're costing more money, more maintenance. Water is cheap, maybe you'd be better off rigging up a better way of changing water?
  4. Also for a FW you might as well just use rainwater. A little less pure than RO/DI but more than pure enough. Not really quite good enough for marine.
  5. Or a landscaping supply. They usually have more interesting rocks.
  6. Protip: Don't do that and you won't break it.
  7. It melted down to 7"-8" during the day, but started snowing again around 3 and we're back up to just under 9".
  8. We're at 8-9 inches now, it's melting though. Hopefully the roads will still be open tonight so I can go to work, all closed last night.
  9. All bow before your one true Snow Dominar Rigel the 16th. I am a huge nerd.
  10. This is actually pretty respectable snowfall for back in Alaska.
  11. One of these? Of course it's going to rattle quietly, it's got gears and cogs and all that cool clockwork stuff ticking away inside it.
  12. I think they usually come together anyway.
  13. The gauges on the side of heaters are useless unless they can be calibrated. Ignore them for anything but trying to get it into roughly the right range.. Tear that off and throw it in the trash, they're garbage. The internal one you have is good. Use that.
  14. Probably $5000, requires installation in your cannister filter by a certified aviation mechanic at $200/hour then inspections after every 100 hours of usage and annually. Also has a 2000 hour time between replacement.
  15. Build rockets. Launch aliens into space. Lots of explosions. Free game for the moment, only a 60ish meg download. http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/
  16. You probably couldn't make something to filter a similar amount as a pair of them for $260. And it certainly would be a lot more hassle.
  17. That's pretty much the process for every cannister. I've never run into one with a "Priming button" or pump or whatever that actually worked. But the above process, with maybe a few shakes to clear bubbles out of the pump works every time.
  18. They'd probably argue that if the pond is on your land near your house then it IS " used in association with any house, home unit, apartment building"
  19. Ira

    halide question

    No, but why would you want to waste the electricity having it so high?
  20. Varies hugely by individual, and what you mean by "Best Personality",but in my experience it tends to be the bigger SA cichlids. Best I've had was severums, had the most individuality and behavior.
  21. It used to be that flowerhorns were considered to all be sterile like most hybrids of two different species.
  22. I've always wanted to try making stuff out of old glass bottles. Crush them up, make bricks, etc.
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