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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Is suppose you could put it around the intake. Not really how they're meant to be used, more on the output and that would be a bit of a waste on a cannister. Around the intake you'd cut the filtering surface area down to a tiny area.
  2. Ira

    Java Moss

    Get rid of it, I hate that crap. All it's ever done for me is collected debris and killed a tank full of fully grown SA Cichlids.
  3. Yeah, that's what I'd suggest. I wouldn't say it's worth more than a couple hundred or so.
  4. Wow...I wish I had a garage, I could really use somewhere with that much space for stuff.
  5. Wow what a mess, try linking to the picture instead of linking to the google search
  6. No need for that. Here kitty kitty kitty....
  7. It's not really cooking. It just gets hot and not for that long depending on how big of piles they put it in. I suppose if you have one producing thousands of KG/day and dump it into a big pile it would take hours or days to cool off.
  8. The ingredients usually have a relatively narrow moisture range, usually pretty dry. No more moisture than necessary for them to stick together. When it goes through the pellet machine and compressed into pellets it heats up quite a bit which causes a lot more of the moisture to evaporate out.
  9. Guppies are NOT coldwater. They are tropical.
  10. Ira

    sick coral

    Usually they're relatively demanding, other than aptaisia, but good water and good light pretty much covers everything. Even over 2 days it shouldn't have died from lack of light or starvation. Did you dump it straight in or give it a good 5-6 hours to acclimatize?
  11. Checked the temp in my little pond after it being nice and sunny all day yesterday, 9°. Brrr.
  12. Ira

    sick coral

    As in not a coral?
  13. I don't think I've ever heard of T4s being used for anything but display cabinets and similar. Definitely not general lighting or anything.
  14. Haha, Well, it was an act of god, maybe the Christian churches picked the wrong one?
  15. Yeah, I've had pearl gouramis, tetras, cories, bristlenoses, plecos, SA cichlids etc all living at 16° or cooler for a few weeks with no harm. They can all handle relatively cool for a while if cooled off slowly. But I wouldn't call it a good idea especially for a long time and outside over winter is likely to get much colder than that.
  16. That requires a salinity of 10%, 15% flour and 5% yeast.
  17. You mass murderer! :slfg:
  18. Someone might be able to give some advice on how to fix it if you give some kind of description of the problem.
  19. I'd have thought a much lower color temp to match the redder/yellower sunset light would be what you'd want then.
  20. Ira

    over filtering

    What pump are you getting? And healthy fish don't get sucked into filters anyway.
  21. Ira

    over filtering

    The only possible way to "over filter" a tank is a filter that creates too much current. And it takes a LOT of flow to do that. My tank at the moment has 20X turnover from the filters and powerheads and isn't even close to too much current.
  22. Should be fine. And I don't believe the ink in newspapers is toxic to birds.
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