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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Copper Pipes

    First rule of having a happy healthy tank: Stop looking for things to stress over.
  2. Sunlight itself doesn't cause a problem. It's the intensity along with high nutrient levels.
  3. You'll probably have a small cycle, but not a full one.
  4. I think cites only regulates collection of specific species, not all coral?
  5. Give it a rinse and a scrub then throw them in the tank. But they'll raise the PH and it looks like your tank is very much an acidic fish tank.
  6. Yeah, really crap year this year. Mother in law diagnosed with cancer that's going to kill her, mom with strokes causing complete paralyses caused by cancer, grandpa died of cancer last week. Going to be going back to the US in a month or so to be there when we "Let mom go." This year sucks.
  7. Yeah, see if they'll take the discus back. Maybe they'll give you store credit or swap you for some good fish.
  8. Yeah, but then we can point and laugh at them for not reading the stickies. Now that I think about it...I don't think I've ever read any of them...
  9. Posting in the wrong forum, common noob mistake... I'd say just keep up what you're doing. Maybe even cut back on the water changes a bit if you want, sounds like you're doing more than enough.
  10. Oh well, it comes up often enough maybe it needs to be.
  11. Not really. Yes. You don't have to worry about sizes, genders, etc. Just throw them all together, it doesn't matter. Worst case they'll occasionally push each other around a bit little.
  12. Didn't we used to have a sticky on this? Or maybe I'm thinking of another board.
  13. Nice. Now you just need to get a real tank with a real filter.
  14. The caption should be, "I maded you a cookie..." "But I barfed on it, waited until my stomach juices melted it into a slime then sucked up the vomit, cookie mush through my spongelike mouthparts."
  15. The tube will pump...Wait how are you getting the water to the sump? I hope you have an overflow setup unless you enjoy floods?
  16. The 1.2m powerhead will probably barely pump a trickle at 1 m head. The .6 m powerhead will slow down the water draining into the sump a little bit. Most pumps have a flow diagram on them, like Ryan says look for 4-5 times tank volume at your head height. Look at pond pumps, they're usually less expensive.
  17. Ira


    Who said you can't? Most people with medium to large tanks do use multiple filters. A lot of the biggest cannisters still aren't enough to filter anything over 400l on their own. Of course, more than 2-3 starts to get a bit ridiculous.
  18. Why? It's relatively harmless. It's edible.
  19. Yeah, that is pretty low, it should be doing about 500 liters per hour. Especially with the negative head you'd probably be giving it by running the outlet into a bucket.
  20. Maybe your flash installation is corrupted?
  21. Next time you think they're expensive just think, my first hard drive was 10mb and cost $1000. You're complaining that it's expensive getting 800 times that much for 1/20th the price.
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