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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Maybe I'll skip getting mee goreng for dinner at work next week. That will cancel out the GST increase on $520 worth of purchases. Buy a fish from someone in your local fish club instead of Animates, that could make up for the GST increase on $200 worth of purchases. Skip a trip to the pub, cancels out GST increase on $2500....
  2. A few hours, once they're dry. You can vent them or compare some of the feathers on their wings. Sometimes Dirty Jobs can teach you something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4g_WCmznW4
  3. Doubt he would have been eaten. Most likely he jumped out, is hiding or died and was eaten. Fish can be surprisingly efficient vultures sometimes...
  4. I bet they taste like carp........
  5. Happens to almost every new tank. Ignore it, it will usually go away. Especially if you have some algae eaters. Don't waste your time moving plants around, scrubbing rocks, etc.
  6. Severums eat it, I couldn't keep my tank stocked with enough for them. Put in so much the tank looked like a green blizzard and a couple days later all gone.
  7. I was going to say it would be hard to confuse a grass carp with an arowana. But after googling some pictures some of them do have a roughly similar outline and coloring. (I mean similar beyond fishy looking) :lol:
  8. Seriously, you have so much to live for, don't do it, man!
  9. Here we go. Eheim Substrat is the one I was thinking of.
  10. A marine trick? What? To fill up a filter with biomedia? I wasn't aware running them the way the instructions say is a trick.
  11. It's just an old biomedia. I vaguely remember it being eheim stuff, I have a few bags floating around and a couple filters with it. Doesn't really matter who mad it though. Give it a good clean and use it, it's perfectly good media.
  12. In New Zealand it's only legal to do that with sheep.
  13. Looks like quite a gap between the broken bones. I wouldn't have expected to see any gap at all, but I'm not a surgeon. Do the broken ends block fewer x-rays or can they not just shove it all tightly back together?
  14. I don't think any of the geos get huge. They're a nice midsized fish. Tapajos are relatively small from what I can see, wish we could get them though, they seem to be very nice looking fish. Like a little brightly colored surinamensis.
  15. What would be the point of that? Even though my TV is bigger than my fish tank it burns more power and cost more.
  16. He's probably just did a search and grabbed the prettiest pic that looks even remotely like his.
  17. I've heard you just need to get a tivo and telecom can't tell the difference between the Tivo's traffic and non-Tivo traffic so they make it unlimited. I'm skeptical though given that it looks like the Tivo should be getting all of it's information from a single service. So if they can't tell the difference I think they'll have it figured out before too long.
  18. The fact that there are TWO of them suggests a quick and easy possibility...
  19. I think it tends to be more of a case that many injured birds, and many other prey animals, tend to become very passive. I bet you'll find that once the kaka recovers it will be nowhere near as tame.
  20. Ira


    How about a silver one?
  21. Just make sure if you're out catching frogs to feed to an arowana that you're not catching any of the natives, just the introduced ones. Then, I'd say you're actually doing a good thing.
  22. I haven't noticed any of my fish getting a fright from the lights turning on. A bit of a twitch, but that's it.
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