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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Breeding killies

    You could do either, I usually make them shorter and have one floating and one that sinks (tied to an old airstone). My Dageti seem to like the ones on the bottom rather than the floating one! I leave the mops in for a week or so, then either move the parents out of the tank and leave the mops in and hatch the eggs in the same tank, or move the mops into a smaller tank to hatch and raise the fry.
  2. Family first, Bilbo - always! Three peoples tanks and Wetpets will keep us occupied for the day.
  3. It takes about two hours to get to Palmy, depending on who's driving! If the tank crawl happens, it's a bonus, we won't be upset if there are only a couple of people's tanks to see. We can always go to Wetpets first, then move on to the tanks.
  4. Does this mean we start the crawl at twelve? I would be concerned that we would run out of time to be traveling back before it gets too late. We recently had a tank crawl that took in four peoples tanks that started at 10am, and didn't finish until after three in the afternoon, this included a stop for lunch and a considerable amount of driving around the Hawkes Bay. We didn't have that many people traveling around with us either, if you end up with quite a crowd turning up all at once, it will take longer for everyone to have a good look at your tanks, have a chat and pick your brains!
  5. A biotope is where you try and replicate the natural environment where the fish originated. http://fish.mongabay.com/aplocheilinae.htm http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Aploch ... eatus.html I'd be more worried about the australe fitting in the mouths of the panchax!
  6. We don't have him anymore, that was yeeeeaarrsss ago! Now we have teenagers who don't seem to have brains or do as they are told...
  7. Zev


    Are you calling me a weenie, Ira????
  8. I think the girls are much more sociable than the boys. And the trouble with ours was that he considered the hierarchy to be: Kevin, then him, then Me, then the cats, then the chooks.
  9. Zev


    That's because Vodafone have to pay Steve Jobs a percentage of the $ used by you on your iPhone.
  10. What sort of Killies do you have? You could go for a biotope tank...
  11. Hmmm... I doubt the play thing, if it was a bitch on the other hand........ He would suffer the wrath of the the electric fence to try and see off the German Shepherd down the way. You could see him tensing up in time with the pulses, but he would still be growling all the time.
  12. True, but when our Mutt saw another male dog, testosterone kicked in, and brains went out the window!
  13. There is nothing wrong with 65kg of Mutt.... Providing it has a brain. Ours did not - well if he did, he hid it well!
  14. Zev


    I see Mitsubishi are doing something similar now too.. http://www.mitsubishi-aircon.co.uk/defa ... ?id=120065 Old thread on moisture control here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/next-v ... c&start=15
  15. Hmmm.. this is an interesting concept, it would make for some stunning diversity of plants in a tank. When you consider a bank of VHO T5 lights over a tank, it gives you a flat, uniform spread of light. I think the 'spotlight' method would give you a more visually interesting tank, that has light and dark areas, and would get you away from the brightly lit 'box' type look of VHO lighting. It would be like running banks of fluorescent lights in your lounge that replicate daylight throughout the entire room, rather than a lower amount of light that highlights specific areas of interest.
  16. Owch, you said that, not me!
  17. What did Mutt think about the snow?
  18. We have left our week old fry to fend for themselves over the weekend, just gave them a good feed the Friday morning we left, they were fine when we got back on Sunday evening. I do not trust the feeding blocks, our fry live in a fairly well established tank with a lot of Java moss and algae growing in various places, so they can have a graze on the green stuff if they get too peckish!
  19. Brrrr... feel cold just looking at them Caryl. Ira, did you let the Mutt out for a play in the snow?
  20. Cesarz, which fish carries the crowntail gene, male or female? I have a few crowntail males, and would like to breed some more.
  21. Blue Tuxedo female Green Diamond?
  22. Not into the Icebreaker then, Bud?
  23. Love the night light shot...
  24. Are the Tiger Barbs the ones Wilson 'won' at conference? I think she looks lovely, but she will probably grow bigger than any tank we possess at the moment!
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