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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Is this the same company as Biobees? Also in Hastings.
  2. Nice pic and videos, Ian. I like the Foley work in the first one, and the running commentary in the second!
  3. We have one too, but it hasn't made it into the tank yet... Kids think it's cute..??
  4. What is the PH of your tap water, or whatever the water is that you do the water changes with?
  5. You could possibly pick up a replacement tube from Mitre 10, or the likes, or from an electrical wholesaler. You should look for something in the lines of 6000k (colour temperature in deg Kelvin) Commonly referred to as Colour 84, 86 or 9x something - can't remember at the moment. In the hardware stores they are referred to as Warm Daylight. Do not get Cool Daylight, this is normally only 2700 degK in light output. The tubes should not cost you more than $10.00 each. You can also get Grolux tubes from Switched on Gardener if you have one in your area, they give a pinker light, which your natives probably won't mind. Last time I looked these were around $7.00 for a two foot tube. On my smaller tanks I have taken to using a cheap desk lamp and Osram Duluxstar Mini Twist compact fluorescent lamps that are 23w Daylight from Mitre10. These are around $7.00 each. The only thing to be careful of is that the fitting you get will take a CF lamp, sometimes the base that contains the running gear for the lamp is so big that it won't fit into the bayonet holder very well. HTH
  6. You need to create an Action first - this is where you record the steps you go through to watermark your images. Actions are in the History palette. You will have to make your watermark in a separate file, it has to be the correct size to go on your photos, make it on a separate layer from the background, delete the background layer and save it as a .psd with a single layer with a transparent background and close the file. Open an image you want to watermark. Create a New Action -In the Actions palette, create a New Action. -Click the New Action button, name the Action, click the Record button. -File > Place, choose your watermark file, position the watermark with the Move tool. -Click the Stop button at the bottom of the Actions palette. You may have to practice this first before you record your action, I always stuff it up and have to do it a few times. After you have made your action, you go File > Automate > Batch Choose the Action that you have created, set the parameters for saving it and you are away. HTH
  7. As far as the press is concerned these days, you can't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
  8. What sort of lighting are you running Sally J, this could also be a contributing factor.
  9. Stunning - tank is looking good to chimera.
  10. Ooooooo... you could so traumatise the cat with one of these!
  11. Hi Phil If you need a hand with anything design, paperwork, legalities etc, let me know.
  12. One of ours does the tongue thing - when it stops licking itself and looks at you, the tongue is still sticking out...
  13. Tut, tut boys, shame on you! Cs4 has lept up in price with this release, and is awfully system resource hungry, especially video card wise. You are better off buying CS4 Design Premuim, which will give you Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver and Flash, plus a couple of other things which elude me at the moment. The Windows version is dearer than the Mac version, see if you can get the Academic/Education version, it is cheaper - I cannot log in at the moment and check the price for you. I would not buy CS4 at the moment, wait until they have de-bugged it by releasing it to the general public and making them their beta testers!
  14. Ours are not quite that bad. I like Cat Man Do best.
  15. Bugger... Hope it all comes right soon.
  16. Barrie writes lots of articles for me, don't go scaring him off!!
  17. Seems to have gone from bad to worse!
  18. You are not bringing Bud for Jack to play with, I hope...
  19. From work This is why I don't download much from work - this is a good day, students away allegedly studying...
  20. Don't forget to keep taking pics as it develops - please....
  21. Alan, would you say that the polysperma is Hygrophila polysperma - it is definitely not Heteranthera zosterifolia. Any ideas of the plant fifth from the bottom, with the red stalks?
  22. The second one looks like a Six Line Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus hexataenia. One of my favorite fish - very cheeky, they are.
  23. And we didn't travel down to Wellington either, just sent our fishies for a ride in the courier van!
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