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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    Goldfish newbie

    Just post the img tags to make the photo show in your post, it is the bottom option in Photobucket.
  2. Zev

    Goldfish newbie

    Hi Max, and welcome.
  3. Zev

    HI All!

    Hi Caper Good to see you made it back. So, you going to be like a kid in a candy store with the new pet shop? Hope you and your family are keeping well, and best wishes for the festive season to you all.
  4. Look, Wok, he's not even tripping up my side of the island, so he will be fine, ok?
  5. Hey.. we're not that scary up here... honest!
  6. Details about PMs are here, middle of the page, my post. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=32434&start=120 You are not posting a reply to the thread, the PM is just quoting the post you clicked PM from.
  7. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=filt1
  8. Hmm.. Datamatrix, handy wee things that can contain 2300 odd alphanumeric characters with a very good level of redundancy.
  9. Dang.... not good news at all. I sent you a parcel, perhaps I should have put a large amount of chocolate in for packaging, instead of polystyrene chips.... Drop us a line if you want to have a rant if it would make you feel better.
  10. I think we are going to have to get some pics of the underside of these beasties for the Native fish database...
  11. Zev

    Chocolate gouramis

    Not too sure, the male I had that did all the chasing was about 30mm (that is measuring up to the caudal peduncle - beginning of the tail) My big female is about 40mm
  12. Zev

    Chocolate gouramis

    Nope, what colours they show depends on what mood they are in, but I have found the males usually have a slight red tinge along the top and bottom of the tail. When you startle them, they go quite pale almost instantly and will just float around and look like dead leaves, except for the beady eyes that follow you about!
  13. Zev

    Chocolate gouramis

    Make sure the filter is mature before you put the Gourami in, they will die at the drop of a hat, beleive me, I am back down to one female from a group of four. She was the oldest from a different import than the ones that died.
  14. There are no instructions, but I can see now that we re going to have to add some...
  15. Zev

    Chocolate gouramis

    If Sharkey's setup worked, I would go with that. Whilst a biotope setup would appear to be the 'ideal', I think that having natural food available for the fry in a well established tank would be the way to go. I have had success with breeding Sparkling Gourami in a two foot community setup that was densely planted.
  16. Zev

    Chocolate gouramis

    There is some good info here, http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/bre ... urami.html There is another site, which must be bookmarked in my other browser, but I will see if I can find it for you.
  17. Ok, now I am going to growl..... Have you clicked on the image or name of the plant in the search? If you do this, the image enlarges and the data for the plant becomes visible. There can be up to three images, the two sub images on the right are clickable to see a larger view. Go for Rotala rotundifolia for an example.
  18. The plant database is a work in progress, and the forum updates have been monopolising our time of late, once the forum changeover has been completed to our satisfaction, we can pay some attention to the main site again.
  19. http://moana.digitalnetwork.co.nz/~fnza ... G=officers
  20. Ok, will try and sort this out - this is what the Plant Committee is for! Most of this info was taken straight from the plant database on the old site.
  21. Ok, who can spot their pics? http://moana.digitalnetwork.co.nz/~fnzasor/index.php?PG=plant Some have not been loaded until we are absolutely clear as to what they are. Thanks for your efforts to date, keep it up.
  22. Fishbait works at that place in Napier with the big fish tanks... I have sent him the link to this thread, but I don't know if he is around at the moment.
  23. Bugger - hate to say that it is not looking the best.... Have you contacted Fishbait for some assistance?
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