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Everything posted by Zev

  1. These are the guys that made 'The Devil Dared Me To' Sorry it came out really small & hard to read. In short they are after a Pakeha/NZ European male 20 - 22 (or aged slightly older but look younger) naturally lean and have a definitely Kiwi accent. (Don't shoot me, these are their words!) If you are interested, but can't read the details, flick me an email and I will send a copy of the original email to you.
  2. Zev

    rock pool

    Wow, amazing colours!
  3. Hmmm... I have a 9002 in the cupboard under the sink. It was a Nano Reefpack 200, but I have since flogged the filter and magnet holder for my Bichir tank, and it has a couple of bits of plastic welded to the side of it and threaded to fit the magnet holder to, so I don't know if it would fit into the RSM with these on. I could never tune the damn thing, drove me nuts and now have a Deltec MCE 300.
  4. Caryl, can you please enlighten us as to what Wholesale and Industrial Supplies sell? They are in the FNZAS discount section.
  5. Kerry says that they feed their adults on live Mysis, but they can be trained to eat frozen Mysis and adult brine shrimp. The Hatch N feeder seems to be going well, definiatly better than the old jar and airstone and syphon hassle, just tip some cysts in and forget about it!
  6. Hi Jake The brineshrimp are at their nutritional best just after they hatch, if they are more than 24hrs old, they loose a great percent of their nutritional value. We have one in our FW killie fry tank, and the cheeky little beggars now know to hang around the outlet where the shrimp swim out to get a feed. I don't know much about seahorses, but BBS are pretty damn small for a full grown seahorse to be chasing after all day to get a belly full? I will ask Kerry at the National Aquarium what they feed their grown ups, I know they feed their littlies on BBS.
  7. http://celestialpearldanio.com/viewtopic.php?t=580
  8. Zev

    Java Moss

    We have some in a bucket outside, it started off as a bucket of trimmings that never got thrown out... You know the story, seemed to good to throw away, but you never do anything with it... This will be its second winter outside and it grows really thick and not stringy at all, must be the direct sunlight. Ahh, I remember why it's there now, it was riddled with Utricularia (bladderwort - the fine thread like carnivorous one), so it got turfed out of the community tank. The Utricularia is still growing strong outside, and there is also some Hydrocotyle and Bacopa growing above the surface of the water as well - I don't know how they survive in the bucket, it's only 25 litres, so the temperature must get pretty warm in the summer.
  9. How long have you had the Gibby in there? It could be digging around and causing your haze problem, especially if you don't have a thick enough layer of gravel on top.
  10. Zev

    Hello from howick

    Hmm... I would say that was more than just a few... You may have your work cut out for you shifting, alright!
  11. Zev

    Hello from howick

    Hi and welcome! What sort of fish do you have?
  12. I paid $45 for mine, and it was a bit smaller. They will attempt to eat ANYTHING they think they can get in their mouth, and nice long dangly tails will do if the whole fish won't fit. Our little piggy can swallow guppies that are the same width as her head, as Ira said, their jaws can open amazingly wide, and the adage 'eyes are bigger than her belly' does not apply to these wee beasties! Lots of good info here: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... hp?t=65770
  13. Our cat prefers to drink syphoned fishtank water out of the bucket - the older the better... And eats any fishfood, even pleco chips. Hope your cat gets better soon.
  14. Got ours today too, Caryl. Must not have circumnavigated the North Island before it reached us?
  15. Methinks someone is getting desperate?
  16. Ssshhhhh... it's a temporary thing for the non South American snail problem!
  17. Sparkling Gourami - Trichopsis pumila It snuck in with some plants, the tank is supposed to be a South American Biotope. It is not in there any more.
  18. Yep, Stargrass. It is actually a light green, not a washed out looking yellow, the MH light is a bit bright for the camera to handle.
  19. Do you have pics or diagrams you would like to show, PowerPoint can be quite handy. Probably best to ask if they are going to have a computer and data projector setup at the conference first - if not, don't bother about it. If you want a PowerPoint done, give me a PM, I will see what I can do for you.
  20. Do you have to do a PowerPoint as well? If you do, and require handouts, it is probably better not to use the slide printouts for this purpose, we did this once for a conference and it looked pretty cheap and nasty compared to what others had prepared for handouts. Also some conferences like to publish these with an ISBN number and distribute it to libraries, so a well composed printout looks much better - it can just be a transcript of your speech with pictures or diagrams.
  21. This tank has been running for about a year in it's current configuration. Here it is when it was a bit younger, and you can see the fish. And we won't talk about the snails, except to say that if you don't want them in your tank, make sure you dose your plants with Potassium permanginate before you put them in your tank!
  22. Good question, but more to the point, what other 'things' do you get with it that you didn't bargain for which Macs are immune to?
  23. Zev

    Top 10

    Oooo... E ozelot *starts putting pennies away in secret stash*
  24. Bubble walls are for aesthetic purposes only - so if you like them, you could put one in, the fish do not probably care either way. Could be a problem with sand, if you crank it up too high it may produce swirling currents from top to bottom in your tank, but a 'quieter' bubble wall might be ok - probably a trial and error thing, and may depend on what plants you have for ground cover. However, if you run Co2 as I do, the bubble wall is a no-no, as it dissipates the Co2 out of the water. Pic as promised, the fish buggered off when I pulled the camera out! 400mm cube tank Fluval 104 filter 70w 6500k Metal Halide lamp Co2 - 2.5kg bottle filled with food grade Co2, ceramic diffuser 1 pair Blue Rams Mikrogeophagus ramirezi 9 Green or False Neon Tetras Paracheirodon simulans 1 Clown Loach Chromobotia macracanthus a squillion snails -grrrr... plants as per previous post.
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