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Everything posted by Zev

  1. You could use one of those medium sized pots you get stuff in from the Deli at the supermarket. Barrie forgot to tell you to soak, pull the skins off, then boil the Jiffy pots for about ten minutes in a pot of water to get rid of the small amount of fertiliser in them, before you put about an inch of it in the container.
  2. Hmm... Dwarf Hairgrass Elocharis, Star Grass Heteranthera zosterifolia, Alternanthera reineckii 'rosaefolia', Bacopa monnieri, Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig', Sagittaria subulata, Echinodorus leopard. I think thats it... Will post a pic when I get home tonight.
  3. Looks like you tank will be 72l, so a pair of Rams should be fine, just make sure you have lots of plant cover for the female to hide in when the male is in a grumpy - chase the girlie and beat her up mood. We have a pair in a 64l (400mm cube) which is heavily planted, and they seem to be fine. Some days they are swimming around happily together, others she is hiding in the bushes while he cruises around the front of the tank being macho man. Other occupants are 9 Green Neons and a small Clown Loach which is supposed to be keeping the snail population in check...
  4. Hi, and welcome. We could definitely do with less possums!
  5. lol, might be cheaper to give Wilson a few bottles of Pepsi to ward Wok off with?
  6. Wok must be keen, he's got that he is editor twice in his initial post? *note to self - avoid Wok at all costs during conference if he is still after an editor by then*
  7. Oh for goodness sake, Evil... The font is Arial bold, not that damn disgusting Papyrus. Maybe it's just as well you declined being editor? :roll:
  8. Wow, the Damsel is a beauty - great what a bit of company, or competition can do!
  9. Perhaps the next conference rego form should have address and email info on as well? Just a thought.
  10. Hmm, 150mm fish with large mouth - I would imagine any other Fundulopanchax and Aphyosemion would fit in there quite nicely?
  11. Fundulopanchax sjoestedti, aka Blue gularis.
  12. You should see if you can make it to the next HBAS meeting, 21 May, it is the AGM and Auction, this is our largest auction. There are usually a few tanks for sale that go for ridiculously low prices.
  13. I saw those Dageti in the LPS over your way, aren't they rather expensive? Something like $25 each?
  14. Why don't you partition some of your existing tanks? You could probably divide the 1500mm tank into five at least, if it is quite wide you could put a piece of glass in lengthwise along the back and put the heater in there to heat the whole lot.
  15. I like this one.. “"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worth while?" Death thought about it "Cats," he said eventually, "Cats are Nice†I wouldn't clean the filter out for a while, as Naz said, keep it running in a bucket if you have to.
  16. Zev

    Killie Breeding.

    You guys would definately be lost without a woman to keep you on the straight and narrow! Had our 'boil up' last night - didn't pong too much. Kids thought it was weird cooking 'mud' on the stove and commented that it looked like the Bog of Eternal Stench of the movie Labyrinth!
  17. The Barred ones look very nice. Info here: http://www.cowfishes.com/barred.html
  18. Zev

    Killie Breeding.

    Barrie, how long do you boil your Jiffy pots for?
  19. Isn't Purigen the one that you can reactivate by soaking in bleach?
  20. Hmmm... you had better watch out for that wee pile of boxes on top of the wardrobe, they might multiply and fill the room up again in no time!
  21. I can offer you some, if you like, just let me know - this may help soften the blow for your partner if you cull some, they will have some new fish to look at!
  22. Zev

    new tank...

    Oi, I'm five foot zip, thank you very much, so it must be at least that long - and I can parallel park! Mind you when I applied for my passport, they did send a letter back asking me if I was sure I got the height bit right - '1.52m is only five foot?'... Grrrrrr.....
  23. We get 'Banana' fish occasionally, it can be quite difficult to spot in smaller fish, and seems to become more apparent as they grow larger. I must say that now that you mention it, the incidence seems to be more female than in the male fish. Our banana fish go 'upstairs' - this is the tank above that houses a Senegal bichir. Whilst they appear to be able to swim alright and eat and breed ok and appear 'happy', we cull ours so that we ultimately do not end up with a tank full of banana fish. As I sometimes sell our fish to the LFS and at club auctions, I don't want to be passing on fish with genetic faults.
  24. We have one, did have two, but the male was too picky about what he ate for his own good. So our female is desperately seeking a new man. Unfortunately they have not been on the lists for a while, and only seem to appear once or twice a year, as Wayneh says. I think with them being so delicate that the importers and LFS loose quite a few before they even get sold, so probably not a good money spinner for them. I love George Farmers tanks, I was trying to do some research to see if there were any Indian Almond trees in NZ, but didn't get very far. Wayneh, is yours a male or female?
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