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Everything posted by Zev

  1. All you need to do is click on the bottom box... It will say 'Copied' when you click on it, then just paste it into your thread.
  2. More like free sandwich transporting bags!
  3. Zev

    guppy record

    It could also depend on how many get eaten before you see them! I think it was Kerri Anne who said that she had seen the male swimming behind the female gobbling the fry up as she dropped.
  4. I like the Weedy Seadragons more than the Leafy ones...
  5. One of the other reasons some people go substrate heating is that they do not want the heater visible in the tank, a thin black cable running up the corner of the tank is not as noticeable than a whoppiing great heater.
  6. http://yellow.co.nz/companies/Aquariums ... 8_283.html
  7. The Riccia has taken over the top of the tank - the Java fern loves it though, because it doesn't particularly like the bright light. Will have to have a prune out shortly, I think.
  8. Come on Zab - show us your Rotala rotundifolia!
  9. Show off! We are breeding Pseudepiplatys annulatus Epiplatys dageti
  10. 2 Ft tank, full of Guppies. 1 x 24w 6500k PC lamp. Riccia sits on top of a chunk of Java moss and driftwood.
  11. I got it off you Alan! Only growing on top of the Riccia at the moment Supasi, I rather like it like this.
  12. Can't remember what it is called.
  13. What do you mean by 'canisters'? You can get Co2 bottles that you hire from the likes of BOC Gases. If you buy your own outright from another source, make sure it is certified otherwise you will not be able to get it filled. You need to get it filled with food grade Co2 as well.
  14. Yeah... maimai's sticking up in the middle of the swamp look sooooo natural! Mind you, so do the dead or semi-dead non native willow trees. They are cleaning up the wetlands by the Waitangi bridge as well, we are going over to Napier later, I will see what the project is called. Unfortunately the Karamu stream project may have suffered a setback with the floods we had last week.
  15. That's because he lives in between Napier and Hastings! http://www.hbrc.govt.nz/Home/tabid/36/c ... spx?y=2008 http://www.hbrc.govt.nz/Home/tabid/36/c ... spx?y=2008 http://www.doc.govt.nz/templates/news.aspx?id=43012 Here's some to start with...
  16. Pm me your email address... Yours was one that got sent back.
  17. Yeah, well, some of us are just suckers!
  18. No, Wok.. I will post them. I have arranged this with Erling, and they need to be printed in a special way, which I will do. Keep up with the play, will you!! I will give you the names of the emails that do not work.
  19. I was conned - I tell you! If you did not receive one, I had a few addresses pinged back by various mail daemons, please let me know.
  20. Zev

    new to forum

    There is nothing wrong with using a Mac!!!! In Photobucket you can get it to automatically resize your images to the 640 x 480px forum limit, by choosing the size in the dropdown box here. Are your pics from a camera or phone? If they are too small to start with, it may be causing the problem, but I see Dixon seemed to be able to get ahold of a higher resolution picture... Oh, and welcome to the forums!
  21. Zev


    Read this first. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/basic- ... 23675.html Ask questions later....
  22. We made it home safe and sound before the bad weather set in, new fish acclimatised and in their new homes. Many thanks Stella for organising a very interesting day, and to Bilbo for the coffee and bikkies.
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