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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I would be more than happy to set it out for you in InDesign if you are looking at a short run, pm me if you are interested.
  2. Are you having it published through Massey?
  3. The due date is for capitations to be sent to the FNZAS Treasurer, the people capitated by this time will be included in the Federation Yearbook, which is distributed shortly after this. You can still capitate members after this time by submitting their details and capitation fees to the Federation treasurer. They will still be members of the FNZAS, they will be able to enter the Breeding Scheme competitions and will receive a FNZAS membership card. They cannot be included in the Yearbook for this year, as it will have been already published and is not updated until the next year.
  4. With an equally expensive macro lens, if I remember rightly!
  5. Me, if you ask nicely and pay postage!
  6. They don't eat healthy plants, so it's up to you whether they stay or go, if you are trying to breed fish, they can eat the eggs. As SW says, they are a good fry tank cleanup crew.
  7. I have three male Pseudepiplatys annulatus (Clown Killies) and one, possibly two females. I want to set them up to breed, and need to decide which male to put with the females. One has a crimped tail, and is not a contender. Out of the other two one is rather bossy and chases the other fish around, regardless of sex and has consequently been living in a separate tank with a couple of corys. The other one seems rather timid, hangs around in the back of the tank and is a bit smaller in stature than the bossy male. The females are in this tank, one hangs around the front, the other is rather hard to spot most of the time and hides in the Java moss. So... who should the lucky guy be, the Bossy one, or the Timid one? Any ideas or comments appreciated, thanks.
  8. Pic here.. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/2-vt30 ... c&start=15 It propogates by sending out runners, so it spreads by itself if the conditions are right. This 'lawn' started out as a couple of really scrawny bits out of my 2 foot com tank. Tank is 400mm square.
  9. I can send you some hairgrass if you want, Rozski. My cube needs a prune out.
  10. Lol, what would Stella want some seahorses for?? I think you mean kudos, Cheese!
  11. I think we use more power when the kids leave the heater on in their room all day whilst they are at school than what our marine tank uses at the moment! Our power bills are always freaky...
  12. Great news Stella. Good on you for asking!
  13. Here you go, the gorey details! http://www.killi.co.uk/drosophila1.php You can use apple cider vinegar as a mould inhibitor.
  14. Dang Mainlanders!! Must have gone north, then around the globe and back up from the bottom??
  15. Mine must be circumnavigating the globe several times too???
  16. A friend of ours always wanted to call their cat Morrhoids - needless to say, his wife would not let him!
  17. Oh yeah, I can just see them yelling that down the driveway!
  18. They've already called their cat Oscar, she is a really friendly wee thing, too!
  19. Have you updated the software on it recently? http://www.expansys.com.au/ft.aspx?k=82371
  20. How long are we talking about? Keri Anne has a lovely swordtail that has a gonopodium that drags past its tail (the shorter part of the tail, not the sword bit) that cannot 'do the deed' - I have offered to 'fix' the problem for her with a scalpel , but she's too squeamish to let me!
  21. I think you would be hard pressed to find a fishkeeper who would consider their tank to be 'finished'! There is always something that you think could be done to make it just that little bit better, or something that you have done that you don't like anymore, or you see some fish that you just have to get, that changes the whole dynamic of your tank, or makes you head off in a totally different direction, strip down your tank and start again.... It never ends!
  22. Have you had a look here? http://badmanstropicalfish.com/brackish/brackish.html
  23. Is your computer a laptop? If it is not, and your computer has USB in the front and the back, plug the USB into the back of the computer. The back ones are faster for some reason.
  24. Zev

    Where's my food?

    Seems to be catching on...
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