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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Hi Andrew - or anyone else, for that matter... I have a few young male Epiplatys dageti available if you are interested, not interested in the plants!
  2. If we can't all fit in your 'fishroom' we will just have to sit in your lounge and eat all your biscuits - just kidding! We are going to see Bilbo, I have a fish to pick up and some plants to drop off.
  3. Zev


    Digital Single Lens Reflex
  4. Zev


    Great action shot of the Rams!
  5. Update.... Gee, dead ringers for their parents at 6mm long...
  6. Do you need replacements? We are over your way to see Stella on the weekend. Set up a web cam, perhaps? I concur with Southerrrngirrl, prime suspect looks pretty, but there again, looks can be deceiving....
  7. Do you get a special rate for the nightstore heaters? Depending on where you are and how your metering is configured, years ago you used to get a separate meter and a special rate for using nightstore heating because they operated during off peak times.
  8. Talk about impatient! Did it handle the saltwater ok, then?
  9. Would be a good idea if Caryl drunk wine! Maybe a whole block of chocolate instead? Oh, and Bugger!
  10. No, but our cat has fallen in the water change bucket whilst trying to balance on the rim to get a drink when it was only a quarter full.
  11. This is going to cost you more than a mingy Chocolate Cake recipe, you realise Wok!!!
  12. Oooo...evil stare! We have a cat resident on top of one of our tanks at the moment - until half an hour after lights out, then she appears on our bed!
  13. Oh poop..... *looks for somewhere to hide*
  14. I wondered how long it would take Wok to sniff out this thread!!
  15. Can't go past Sticky Date Pudding - preferably with a small scoop of Cadbury Vanilla ice cream! Ingredients 200g dates, pitted and chopped 1 teaspoon baking soda 150ml boiling water 125g butter 125g sugar 2 eggs 125g self-raising flour Method 1. Put the dates in a bowl with the baking soda. Pour over the boiling water, stir and let stand for 20 minutes. 2. Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating until light and fluffy. Stir in the flour, then the date mixture. 3. Pour into a well-greased flan dish. Bake for 30 minutes at 190°C (test with a skewer to make sure it is done.) 4. While the pudding is cooking, make the sauce (see recipe below). 5. When the pudding is ready, remove from the oven and coat the top lightly with enough sauce to produce a sticky glaze. Return to the oven for 2 minutes. 6. To serve, cut into slices, pour additional sauce over each serving, and accompany with whipped cream or ice cream. Sauce 200g brown sugar 50g butter 1 cup (250ml) cream 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Method Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, bring to the boil, then simmer for 1-2 minutes. ps: sorry, Barrie......
  16. Zev

    Breeding killies

    I would not use the filter that comes with the AquaOne for breeding, the main problem would be the fry getting sucked up the intake, even if you put something like a stocking or piece of filter wool over it, the suction may be too much for the fry and they may get stuck to the side of it. Just don't plug it in and use a sponge filter in the corner with no substrate, this makes the tank easier to clean as well.
  17. This month: Talk on Live Food & Auction Wednesday 16th July, 7:30pm The National Aquarium of New Zealand Marine Parade NAPIER
  18. Ohhh... now that's a serious threat!
  19. Not if Wok is going to play with my head like that!!!!
  20. Hmm... Just as I was going to offer to put your newsletters together for you.....
  21. I see, you are just trying to confuse us!
  22. Were there supposed to be a couple more attachments?
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