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Everything posted by Zev

  1. It's quite hard to convince people to show their tanks in a tank crawl, sometimes you (or the club President) have to literally twist some arms to get some participation. Everyone has different things that interest and inspire us when looking around at the tanks, and it is a good chance to get some social interaction away from a club meeting. And it is good motivation to clean your tank and glass, instead of looking at it and thinking, I'll do that later!
  2. Tut tut, Ira. You could get the Mutt to chew them up a bit instead of using the mallet... I am trying to convince my daughter to do a science fair project on not cleaning your goldfish tank out by tipping everything out and scrubbing it, then putting the fish and new water back in.
  3. 'Support is growing among goldfish experts to ban the bowls, which for decades have housed millions of Kiwi pets. Fish expert David Cooper says the issue is "fairly hot in the aquatic industry". Some say bowls are OK for goldfish, while others argue they are too small. And while the urban legend says swimming round and round in bowls makes goldfish bored and unhappy, the experts say the real issue is water quality. Keeping the water in small bowls clean and healthy is difficult. The lower volume of water and the small surface area makes it difficult to oxygenate the water in the bowls and keep it free from pollutants caused by uneaten food and fish faeces...' Sunday StarTimes, June 15 2008, Section A3
  4. It's called WetPets, very nasty shop... way too many nice things to fill your car up with and empty out your wallet!
  5. Dang, and heres me just using the plastic container the business cards came in!
  6. We're interested in going just to look at Stella's tanks! (And pick her brains about natives, and look at her famous Mudfish)
  7. I concur, but they can still leech off you from afar!
  8. Ha! Nothing is cheap when you go marine! In fact, I think the cheapest part of my setup was the tank at $50.00.
  9. You're going to have to make an effort at some stage, Wok! Maybe one day you'll fluke a visit down here to coincide with a meeting!
  10. The only place you can get the 10 litre bottles in HB is The Warehouse, the price varies but is around $4.70 to $5.90. We only have a 108 litre tank, and would use 20 litres over three weeks. If the Tunze units come out over her for under $160 Nz, it would be worth considering.
  11. This month we will be having a talk on African Cichlids, then a tour around the NZ Fossils Dead Precious exhibition currently being held at the National Aquarium. Due to this exhibition we will be holding our meeting in the Education Room, to the right of the main doors of the National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade, NAPIER
  12. We have a small marine tank - 108l - heater is essential, but we do not have a chiller. We run a 150w MH for lights, but the tank is in a basement office where the temperature is quite stable and the tank doesn't get over 30 deg during the height of summer - and we've had a couple of scorcher days this year. You could consider an air conditioner for your house if it doesn't already have one, then you can keep nice and cool during the summer as well as your fish!
  13. Zev

    Hi from Napier!

    Hi, and welcome.
  14. Hi Rollergirl, long time no hear! I wonder how many more killies may appear with the temp change in the little tank? What sort is it?
  15. Zev

    I'm new to this

    I hope Wilson did not get you hooked on that Pepsi stuff on your journey to Nelson. Although I did see him drinking a rival companies product whist at the conference!
  16. Congrats CTT on becoming affiliated to the FNZAS!!
  17. She's grown into a lovely girl, Ira. Shouldn't you be waiting a few months until she does the full shed in spring? Can't say I miss the wads of fluff blowing around the yard like tumbleweeds!
  18. So that they can't be trawled for by automated spam thingeys and then we get bombarded with stupid unsolicited mail... grrrr...
  19. The halogens don't have a ballast, so don't even try it, it will end in exploding glass and tears. What size tank are we talking about, and what colour temperature metal halide lamp?
  20. Zev

    Where's my food?

    Waiting... waiting... waiting...
  21. Gee... don't sound so suprised, Wok!! We will be there too.
  22. Looks really good Stella, love the rockwork. Looks like we will have to organise a tank crawl to come and see you guys at some stage!
  23. I see what you mean about the stargrass, Dixon, looking good! The red thing looks like Alternanthera reineckii 'rosaefolia', Beetroot has wider crinkled/bubbled leaves that are green on the top and metallic purple on the bottom - and not a true aquatic plant
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