Merry Christmas danilada.
Sorry to hear about the sick fish. Sorry, I have no idea whats wrong.
The only thing I can suggest , and I'm sure you've already done it, is a water change.
I have a Cobalt in a nursery tank at the moment. This is her second spawn.She releases her fry in the morning and she will suck them back into her mouth at night or if she gets spooked by anything i.e. a water change. As the fry get older she can fit less in her mouth. This will go on for a week or so. After that she will ignore them and I give her a couple of more days before putting her back in the main tank. I take out the rocks , introduce the fish and rearrange the furniture.
I let nature take its course and leave Mum with her fry until she has put on some condition. None of my females have regarded their fry as food....but maybe I'm lucky.
I let nature take its course and leave Mum with her fry until she has put on some condition. None of my females have regarded their fry as food....but maybe I'm lucky.
Hi spangela. I have a Fujifilm FinePix S5700.
Ianab is can take two types of memory card but only one at a time.
When I bought mine it didn't come with a card so I had to fork out for a 1gb card.
Hi JK.
I can't help with the substrate questions but I think the tanks with inbuilt filters are quite sufficient. A couple of people I know run them without under gravel filters.
Merry Christmas.
Hi boffy. The first questions are always the same....what is the water chemistry? pH? Ammonia? Nitrite? Nitrate? tank size? Population? Temp?Last water change?
What to do? First answer...a 30% water change It can't hurt.
They need wood in the diet and I think the pleco tabs have wood in them.
They'll eat flake now.
I wouldn't bother with the liquid food.
Well done :bounce: