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Everything posted by MarkLB

  1. Thanks for the replies. 'Hybrid' was the answer I was worried about. The fish in the pic and his sister have recently spawned but I think she has eaten her eggs. I could post a pic of her if anyone thinks it will help ID'ing. I have no desire to increase the hybrid population of Christchurchs Cichlids.
  2. Hi all. I bought the parents of this fish some time ago from a LFS as Melanochromis Johanni. Judging from the pics in books and online and the comments I have read on this forum I have doubt. Is he Johanni or something else?
  3. Hi all. A mate of mine has hundreds of baby Siamese fighters, M & F. They range in size from 15mm to 30mm long and are around 8 weeks old, maybe a little older. They are showing colour and some males are blowing bubbles. They are in one tank but will need seperating soon. We are wanting to know when are they old enough to move on to new homes?
  4. I've seen filters that have a handful of gravel as media so I think any brick etc would work fine.
  5. I heard about it a year or so ago. I gave it a go just to see what would happen. The fish were more than happy to eat it but it left a light film of oil on the surface of the water which I took to mean a high fat/oil content.
  6. I've had the same situation. I left the male in the tank and moved the eggs into another tank on their own. Plenty of airation and they hatched and grew up fine.
  7. Mine get crushed flake and brine shrimp
  8. Thanks ppl. I can't post a pic but I'm happy to hear y'all think they are harmless.
  9. Thanks for the reply fishboi. But how do live bloodworm get in there? I've only ever fed frozen bloodworm, not live, and the filter is cleaned weekly. The worms I've seen are living.
  10. I agree. Very interesting. Cheers Johannes
  11. Hi all, I have noticed that the filter on one of my tanks has these little pink wormy things living in it. They are 4-5mm long and skinny. Does anyone know what they are?? I've cleaned the filter but I guess they'd be in the tank also.
  12. Hi all, I just thought I would throw this out there for discussion. I have read that the temperature of the breeding tank can affect the eggs of some Apistogrammas and determine whether the fry are predominantly Male of Female. I have had two batchs of Melanochromis Johanni cichlids and the first batch was around a 50/50 mix but the second batch , bred in a slightly higher temp, seems to be mostly Male 70/30. What are your experiences in this? With cichlids or any other fish.
  13. I have Peacocks in with Crabros , Kenyis , Johannis and have had no problems.
  14. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    Hi all. Well, shes done it again.....she spat more babies four days ago. It looks as if there's around 15 or so. The babies from her first spawn are all looking great. I gave 9 to a friend and I still have 16 to find homes for. My questions are....how big do they need to be before offering them for sale? They are around 20-25mm excluding tail. Also....whats a fair price to charge? I'm not out to make money....just cover a little of the cost.
  15. I've only been fish keeping for 10 months and this is the first time I've heard of fish being mutilated in this way. I am sickened. IMO the whole point of keeping fish is to have a little Nature in your home and trying to artificially alter an animal in any way is nothing less than cruelty to the max.
  16. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    :lol: I just re-read my last post realised her diet was nothing special so I didn't really 'condition' her at all. Maybe it was luck. :lol:
  17. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    I conditioned Mum with a good quality Spirulina flake mixed with 20% good quality regular flake , alternated with small sinking Cichlid pellets and a weekly feed of bloodworm. She was fed at least 3 times a day , 4 if I could manage it. I've been feeding the fry brine shrimp from the day Mum spat them. They eat it happily. I'm starting them on 50/50 brineshrimp and fine flake from today.
  18. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    I conditioned Mum with a good quality Spirulina flake mixed with 20% good quality regular flake , alternated with small sinking Cichlid pellets and a weekly feed of bloodworm. She was fed at least 3 times a day , 4 if I could manage it. I've been feeding the fry brine shrimp from the day Mum spat them. They eat it happily. I'm starting them on 50/50 brineshrimp and fine flake from today.
  19. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    :bounce: :bounce: Cheers bOi. Now that they're a bit bigger I can count them. Theres 20. It was her first spawn and I reckon she did a great job. I expect her next spawn will be larger.
  20. Hi. I've rehomed Bristlenoses that were 2cm. If the bubs can't fit into a tankmates mouth then they should be safe. Also , they are great at hiding in and under things and can make themselves very hard to find for a would be predator.
  21. I've used a dark pebble substrate with dead coral rocks. The rocks keep the pH at around 8 and the contrast against the dark gravel is great. The rock didn't come cheap.....I got it from a LFS for $10/kg and I've used 15kg in a 4 footer....but it looks fantastic with lots of nooks and crannies for the fish to dart in and out of.
  22. I've seen them in the Buy,Sell & exchange for $2
  23. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    As always, all good advice. cichlid-forum.com is a fantastic resource. I can't see any obvious deformaties and all the fry are eating and moving well so its all good so far....touch wood.
  24. MarkLB

    M.Johanni spawn

    This means "Kept". If a fish is healthy I wouldn't cull it.
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