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    Tropical Fish

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  1. Hi yes once again I am having trouble can anyone tell me what causes a fishes eyes to turn completely black and then die???
  2. boffy

    Fish dying

    cool will do the 30% water change now and check everything as i go
  3. boffy


    No i have a couple of people who want some guppies but I know turtles love guppies, actually they love any fish they can eat.
  4. certainly doesn't help if she doesn't listen to anyone, not really sure what you could do then :-?
  5. I would do the same move the entire tanks, oh and I had my baby 15th Nov
  6. Maybe she needs to come on to this forum and get advice from everyone here, maybe then she might actually listen to you
  7. boffy

    I'm back

    Welcome back :bounce:
  8. boffy


    I had my son early, Micah was born on the 15th November 2007 at 6.06pm weighing 9lbs 3 oz and all my 37 baby fish were born in the last two weeks i have mainly guppys but also have 3 platys
  9. boffy

    Fish dying

    Ok I have had 2 female guppies, 1 male guppy and a molly die in the last week and can't figure out why, the other two female guppys look fine and so does my other molly and the rest of the fish, also my 37 babys are fine in there as well can someone please tell me what to do?????
  10. boffy


    My baby is due on the 19th November, so can't wait sick of being pregnant. But at the same time watching my other 3 female guppies as they are due to have there babies. So exciting 8) 8)
  11. We had trouble when we started our tank up and found that it was the tiger barbs that were fin nipping also red eyed tetras do the same thing.
  12. Thank you all for that will have to tell my partner as well, will also see if he will let me get that microworm stuff from you to janelle thank you. :bounce: :lol: :lol:
  13. Just wondering if anyone can tell me what kind of things to feed to my guppy fry, and if i need to buy it where is christchurch is a good place to go?? :-?
  14. boffy

    Hi everyone

    Even though you were here before me welcome i did the same thing brought some fish and decided i needed a bigger tank which i got. So now my turtle is in the older tank and my fish in the bigger tank its so cool. :lol:
  15. boffy


    Hi there i am new at keeping tropical fish, have had them for two months and just had baby guppys last night with another guppy due to drop by the looks of things. Good thing i had a breeder tank givin to me. I have 3 children that love watching the fish and our turtle with another child on the way and a lovely dog and husband. Look forward to getting to know everyone.
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