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Everything posted by MarkLB

  1. Do you know the fishes history? Is it local bred or imported? I've been picking up on the forum that some people are having trouble keeping thier imported Bettas healthy. It may be a weak speciman from overseas.
  2. The charcoal will also have removed any medication that you have used.
  3. Thanks for the quick replies ppl. Shes outta there and back in the main tank.
  4. Do Peacocks have the same maternal behaviour as, say a Melanochromis or other Mbuna? I've seen Johanni mothers herd up their fry and put them back in their mouths for several days. This girl seems indifferent to her fry.
  5. Hi all. Several days ago I noticed one of my Aulonocara nyassae females holding so I put her in a 30 litre nursery tank to be on her own. She has now released her fry and has no interest in them. I'm not sure if its relevant but this is her first spawn. When should I seperate her from the fry? I'm worried that she'll eat them.
  6. Good work. I had a pair of Cockatoos a year or so ago and they spawned heaps but Mum ALWAYS :evil: scoffed the babies when they hatched. I never got fry one from them.
  7. Sorry for the kids but as you say....thats life.
  8. My latest is to always check the hose for 'stragglers' after siphoning out a batch of fry
  9. As far as heat goes.....I use the plastic bottle method and leave a 60watt lamp next to it for warmth. Seems to work OK.
  10. MarkLB

    RIP bluey

    Nice fish. Sorry for the loss.
  11. Sometimes my CF1000 makes that 'bio-ball rattle' after I've had it apart to clean but it seems to go away after its been running a few hours.
  12. If you can see 6 or 7 then my guess is there will be more that you can't see. Congrats :bounce: :bounce:
  13. I have a pair of BNs that have been easy to breed. All I need to do is wait until the fry are free swimming and then transfer them to a growout tank.....every 5-6 weeks
  14. good stuff... very cool 8) I've been thinking about getting a pair myself. Do try....some pics would be great. Keep us posted.
  15. Hes in there somewhere......dim the lights and try putting in a spirulina disc or a slice of cucumber to tempt him out.
  16. Mine do the same. No worries
  17. I hold a fishnet over the outlet pipe before starting the filter.
  18. That is an A1 beautiful fish.
  19. I think I need broadband....I can't see Stellas pic
  20. I love this girl....when i got her she had a claw and an antenna missing. Shes moulted several times. I feed her on spirulina discs , cucumber , bloodworm , minced meat , peas, flake....anything really. My web searchs tell me they are basically a scavenger and will eat most things.
  21. First off I want to thank you all for your comments. While I may not be certain as to what the fish are, I can be certain they are not Johanni. I have taken everyones opinions and observations on board and will eventually come to some sort of a conclusion. I hope that this thread has not caused any animosity among some of the contributers. I'm sure that no one meant to cause offence. I have used this forum to get opinions and advice many times and the differing veiws/answers that I have recieved is what makes the forum so useful to me. We can all learn from others experiences. Again, thanks to all.
  22. Thanks for the input ppl. Its seems its another case of an LFS selling fish of unknown parentage or incorrect name and a newbie (me) :oops: not doing enough research before handing over my money. Still , as has already been said, he is a beautiful fish and I enjoy watching him rule his domain.
  23. Heres a pic of the female. She was holding several days ago but I've seen her eat today so shes eaten the eggs. He is a looker. And hes the boss
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