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Everything posted by disgustipated

  1. the flourish excel will melt the twisted val. don't use it.
  2. put a saucer or dinner plate on the substrate and pour water on to that. or get air hose and syphon the water in slowly.
  3. you still gonna stop by for a beer bro? and some midas?
  4. a lot of people are obviously not as pompous and blatantly rude as you are. i think you made a personal attack on jack based on your own misconceived assumptions. i question your use of the word "evidence" where i'm guessing you have never actually been to see jacks tanks in person. i'm surprised and concerned that the mods would let this kind of behaviour go on on this supposedly "friendly forum". back on topic, jack, i look forward to you letting my tents and extended family stay on your little block of paradise
  5. what are you basing your harsh judgements of jack's fish keeping abilities on?
  6. now that your polys have the taste for convict blood, they are definitely expecting more soon...
  7. i've never had a cichlid that won't eat or at least try to eat other fish
  8. yep. as i have learned. if you pull a heater out of a tank while it is still on, even if for just seconds, it's best to leave it out of the tank to cool, rather than to suddenly put it back in the tank (as instincts would tell you to) as the sudden cooling of the glass with make it crack.
  9. alan is pretty much your one stop shop for reptile advise
  10. let's not get into this again... viewtopic.php?f=17&t=62204&hilit=does+anyone+else+love+cats now back on topic...
  11. i am using play sand from bunnings. you do need to fill and empty the tank a few times to get the water running clear but once it's all clean it looks great. i use sinking pellets to feed my fish. i notice some of them especially BGK have trouble eating pellets off the sand without having to spit out a mouthful of sand... i am wondering if fish ingest sand while eating off sand substrate.
  12. yep goldfish are fine in tropical, if anything they just grow faster. and yep they will eat any fish they can fit in their mouth.
  13. the swans and geese are annoying as. they attack little kids. personally i think i could solve the problem in a day or two with nothing but a baseball bat... last time they did a bit of culling on the geese, heaps of people complained. and apparently swans are protected by the queen? what the...!?
  14. well of course you do. sponges and starfish won't survive in freshwater.
  15. most terrible pet stores sell them. and by terrible i mean animates...
  16. they were extremely friendly, fat and docile. many had decent battle wounds. i was very tempted to return at dusk with my hawaiian sling...
  17. my daughter set this up, chose the aesthetics, layout and fish herself. i helped a little bit with the technical stuff, but in the whole i left it up to her. and i was pleasantly surprised. no fluro pink gravel or spongebob ornaments, just a tidy, natural and simple setup. says she wants to put driftwood in there and grow moss on it to look like a tree, so we will be off on a driftwood hunt next weekend. before bed she was asking when she can have a bigger tank... maybe she is already experiencing onset of MTS, or maybe she just loves me enough to go along with dads crazy hobbies.. either way, i am quite proud!
  18. there were many of them, shoaling together... this is the first time i've seen them here, and i've been visiting this park for years. always heaps of shortfin eels. i have often seen koi carp, goldfish, grass carp, gambusia, and something trout/mullet like. but today all i saw was these monsters, some well over a foot long. and of course the eels. a swarm of eels. or the collective noun i prefer to use.. a spaghetti of eels... anyway that's my show and tell for today. i'm sure someone geeky will inform us of their scientific name very soon...
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