looking for good advice. here is the situation.
i've had my orange oscar for about a year now. he's around 20cm, and has lived by himself in his own tank all his life, up until a month ago, when i moved him to a larger tank (220l), and added 2 convicts, a jack dempsey and a pleco.
in the time he's been in the new tank i've noticed the tips of his fins turning black.. a dirty black almost like they're burnt. there doesn't appear to be much damage to his fins but the black is becoming really noticable now and doesn't seem to be getting any better. i also note that oscar has not really made friends with any of the new fish, hes still pretty aggressive to them. but the other fish still appear healthy and happy.
i've completely changed the water a few days ago and have been monitoring PH and ammonia all seem to be okay.
what causes this? how can i improve things to get rid of the black? is there medicine for this condition?