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kuhli loach

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About kuhli loach

  • Birthday 08/07/1996

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    fish!, horseriding, writing and art.

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  1. How thick should the polystyrene under my 120x50x50 (300L) be?
  2. Hi I'm just starting out with my new tank, it's a 120x50x50 300L and I really want a well planted setup. I'd like to know how to set up substrate (I would prefer to go with sand), ferts and CO2 and opinions on the best sort of lighting. Also any tips on the following? Alternanthera reineckii (rosaefolia) Echinodorus bleheri (Amazon sword plant) Echinodorus tenellus (chain sword plant) Echinodorus quadricostatus Echinodorus latifolius Hygrophila difformis (water wisteria) Hygrophila polysperma (dwarf Hygrophila) Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' Ludwigia repens Ludwigia arcuata Rotala indica (Indian toothcup) Limnophila sessiliflora (Asian marshweed) Vesicularia montagnei (Christmas moss) Vesicularia dubyana (Java moss) Microsorum pteropus (Java fern) Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow Leaf' Nymphaea lotus Saggitaria subdulata Cryptocoryne cordata Cryptocoryne petchii Cryptocoryne willisii Cryptocoryne wendtii Cryptocoryne affinis Hydrocotyle verticillata (whorled or shield pennywort) Heteranthera zosteraefolia Riccia fuitans (crystalwort) Lilaeopsis mauritiana Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (micro sword) Cabomba carolina (green Cabomba) Anubias barteri Anubias barteri var. Nana
  3. They'll eat stuff though won't they, like barbs or tetras, or kuhli loaches?
  4. OMG!!! I am loving those little spiny eels I must have one! Can we get those in NZ? I have gotta get one of those if we can!
  5. Right! Have now purchased the 300L tank on Trademe :happy2: http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 659312.htm ....Now I have only the CO2 setup, more sand, lighting, ferts, 3d backing, a Hardness test kit and the plants themselves to go before cycling. Oh well, hopefully i'll be set by Christmas :roll:
  6. Lol I feel out of place, the only film I watched really recently was when I went and saw Monsters University with my younger sister and brother. Cute film, I don't normally enjoy sequels.
  7. I loved it! I jumped out of my chair and started surfing the carpet waves! Till parents psyched out and screamed at me to get under a doorway. :yawnn: Nothing even fell over.
  8. Too big, or so the book I'm going off says. Apparently they can grow up to a meter in length and need at least a 150x60x60. But they are awesome looking. :love:
  9. Will kissing gourami eat smaller fish e.g Tiger Barbs, tetras?
  10. I wanna know where you bought your noodles! They are soo cute whatever they are. :thup:
  11. Woah! He/she is freakishly amazing not sure whether to think arrgh! or, cute!
  12. The tank's a 120x50x50 and I would love one of these weird little guys that could go in this size tank. Any suggestions? I'd like it to be a planted community tank so nothing that wishes to devour the world please!
  13. 1+ to the goldfish vote Murdered the plants, then each other. We put the remaining ones outside in troughs and they survived until the kingfishers learnt to play go fish.
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