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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Good point yarimochi. Everybody sing together... All we are saying, is give eggs a chance! Oh, that's give peas a chance isn't it? :lol:
  2. No need to panic caper. Just remove the eggs.
  3. Thread it through plastic mesh
  4. Perhaps they count the neck wrinkles like you do the rings on trees :lol: Just as well they didn't have to chop the head off to do it :bounce:
  5. Print this thread off to show them. You will also find metronidazole under Trichozole as well as Flagyl Flagyl comes as a liquid and suppositories (not that you could get one into a discus :lol: ) whereas the Trichozole is pill form only - 200 and 400mg. You can also get Rozex which is metronidazole in topical form (with benzyl alcohol and 70% sorbitol added). It is an oil in water cream base so not sure if it would stay on under water.
  6. Assuming your cold water fishes were goldfish, they produce a LOT more waste than smaller tropicals so your filter would clog up a lot faster - be it internal or external. Never 'replace' the sponges in any filter, unless they are dropping to bits. Just clean in used tank water when the water flow decreases significantly. I have sponges in an AquaClear that are over 10 yrs old and still going strong.
  7. That's probably its lunch kneeling beside it
  8. Caryl

    RIP Gavin

    They probably can if they are not kept in unsuitable conditions
  9. You want brittlestars? Search the rockpools on the Kaikoura coast. They are full of them
  10. If you have a well maintained, balanced, well planted, well filtered etc tank then you do not need such things. I don't add anything to my tank if I can help it.
  11. Caryl


    Mine are the opposite Michael. The males hide and wait for the females to come out for food. Once they are eating, and all seems safe, the males will then come out and chase everything else away :roll:
  12. It depends on the type of goldfish. I have seen huge veiltail goldfish in with white clouds and they ignored them completely. The owner said the white clouds were too fast for them. Comets might be different.
  13. There is a difference between them eating adult wcmms and eating the fry. The fry don't move as fast
  14. If there's lots of plants they might miss one or two. Goldfish will eat anything :roll:
  15. I have no idea what is it but if it does that to the fish I would be trying to remove it ASAP!
  16. You'll throw them up? Why did you eat them in the first place? :lol: Have the fish been spawning? I know it is early but I have heard reports of some doing so. Too cold down here yet but spawning could rough a fish up like that. You need more females than males to spread the aggression.
  17. He did say "IN STORES - not online" I bought mine years ago in a shop in Hamilton. The Goldfish Bowl I think
  18. Just chop them off, preferably just above where a leaf or another stem is growing.
  19. Not only are they spawning but they will also be eating the eggs as fast as they can :lol: If you want to raise fry you will need a separate spawning tank with a grid or something for the eggs to fall through out of harm's way
  20. Eventually, if the ammonia damage wasn't too severe.
  21. Hmm not sure about that jn. They do prefer it a bit higher I think. They would cope at that temp but I don't think they would be happiest, or look their best.
  22. A lot of people do that, or similar kelsta. Some of us have to resort to such methods in summer to keep the temperature down.
  23. I have always just dipped the testtube under at the top of the water. Never heard of anyone being told to take it from the bottom. As said, if you have proper filtration the water circulation would ensure readings were identical top and bottom. Anyone want to do some test readings and see if they get different results?
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