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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I seem to be attracted to schools of fast moving fish like the barbs and tetras. I love the way they move in unison - poetry in motion.
  2. The Dr says he can't say as the cyanobacteria is not a human pathogen so he doesn't know what does, or doesn't, affect it or whether it would also affect the filter bacteria. Wanna try it for us and let us know? 8)
  3. Again, I suggest you get samples of both your tank water and the river water and see what the pH of both og them is. Then decide.
  4. That's what it means. The fish will cope.
  5. Green and skin-like is cyanobacteria, not black beard algae. Clean out as much as possible then do a total blackout of the tank for 3 says. Do not feed the fish during this time - it won't hurt them, nor will they starve. Clean out again. Depending on why you have it, it can be difficult to eradicate. It is important to find the cause and rectify it.
  6. Caryl


    Welcome KC. MTS is a wonderful thing :lol:
  7. Sounds like wind build-up or something. Perhaps they are having trouble digesting. Have you checked the tank temp? What are you feeding them?
  8. stimpy29is correct :lol: The sand over there is gorgeous. I doubt anyone would complain if it was just a small amount. Different if you pulled up with a trailer
  9. Caryl

    Gravel vac?

    Stir was probably a bad word. I dig the siphon in as deep as I can and the gravel gets turned over as the water sucks up the tube.
  10. Welcome to NZ Stereotaxic, but I do believe there was a typing error in your post. I think you meant to say "Hello to you all over there from the 2nd most beautiful country in the world". Don't worry, we won't hold it against you :lol:
  11. Hi and welcome. Another Wainuiomartian?
  12. Caryl


    In the tank section you just submit a post as usual, complete with pics, and one of the admins will approve it and allow it to appear 8)
  13. Nice fish to have in mind but I hope you realise they are not all compatible :-?
  14. Hi and welcome. A tank that size is a good one to start with. What sort of filtration do you have for it? I am sure we can find someone to start cycling it for you (AMAZONIAN has a number of tanks he could hang it on I am sure if you asked nicely) without stressing out fish. Rainwater tend to be acidic (have you tested the pH?) and (I think) has no buffering so don't try to keep African cichlids Is the concrete coated with something on the inside? Concrete alters the pH too. I suggest you do a pH test. This will help you decide what fish would be best for your tank.
  15. Dave I do hope you have organised someone to take pics and send me results etc. I am holding the November magazine back so I can add the Fish Show (it would normally go to print the next week so it would be posted 1st week of Nov)
  16. Caryl

    Gravel vac?

    It is important to stir up the gravel when you vacuum. That is why bottom dwelling fish are good as they turn over the substrate too.
  17. How long has the tank been set up and do you siphon the substrate when you do the water changes? To me it is suspicious that all those that died were bottom dwellers. It makes me suspect a problem in the gravel.
  18. I am more concerned about why you have some left in the medicine cabinet! When given this drug it is important to finish the whole course. Amoxycillin is a broad spectrum penicillin whereas E-mycin (recommended for cyano) is an antibacterial, macrolide. I do not know enough about them to advise but wonder if the Augmentin may attack other types of bacteria and so also kill off the good filter bacteria and maybe/or maybe not the cyano. Sorry I can't help at the moment but, once I find out a bit more about cyano I will ask my medical friends (they will need to know more about the cyano before they advise) and get back to you.
  19. I've got some mini sag if you want it. PM me your address and I will post some. It posts well 8)
  20. Quick and easy. I have seen them done like this too but, as evil said, with sides cut out as well. Easier to see how they are getting along if you can see through the sides. Thanks for the pics and all too.
  21. Caryl

    gay guppies

    Male guppies will attempt to try it with anything - male or female. :roll:
  22. Give us some pics eh? pretty please? I will have to come visit. Sorry we missed the last meeting
  23. Peace? You mean I've had it wrong all these years? :lol:
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