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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Should I confess he emailed the pic to me? You have nothing to worry about Stella. 8)
  2. How big and what size is the tank? How warm is it? They are certainly not old (assuming you bought them as young fry) as they can live 40+ years.
  3. Show us then AJ so we can be reassuring :lol:
  4. A difficult question as there are many variables. Some suggest 2.5cm of fish to each 25cm of water surface area but ten 2.5cm fish will produce a LOT less waste than one 25cm fish! Plus a tall narrow fish can house less than a short but wide tank with the same capacity. Someone with good filtration and who does regular water changes will be able to stock a few more fish than someone with basic filtration and poor tank maintenance. I am never sure how to answer this as I have always gone by whether the tank looks full, which isn't very helpful. :roll: Always better to understock though so if something goes wrong you have more time to correct it. The Tropical Tank site suggests the following http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/tanks-uk.htm
  5. Some nice pics there Stella. May I use any of them in the magazine? If I do , you will get a free copy
  6. But I offer quality and quantity :lol: I only have lots cos I was the first member so had a head start
  7. My dad says to pick them up and shake them. The ones that rattle are boys :roll:
  8. Then your spell check needs checking 8) Welcome to the fishroom.
  9. Some people have too much time on their hands :lol:
  10. If the damage was severe then it is not reversible. Different water conditioners are not going to do a lot, especially if it turns out to be internal parasites. If you just cleaned everything out, including filters, then your results should be 0 as the tank will cycle again. Give it 7 - 10 days then re-test. Many additives stuff up test readings so the water conditioner might be doing this. I don't know, I know Ammolock does. Hidden parasites are internal. Look for skinny fish, reddened gills, loss of appetite, clamped fins.
  11. You should just list the main shops and let the person judge for themselves which are good or not. No point in only going to one or two when you might find what you want at one of the others No worries re travelling as we regularly travel with fish (and the budgie :lol: ) for similar distances with no problem. Make sure they are aware the fish will be bagged for that length of time so they don't put too many per bag. Take a poly box with you and all will be sweet.
  12. You can't relax yet Dave as someone has to send me the basics plus a list of who won what so I can get the Aquarium World finished and printed. I have been holding it up for the Show information.
  13. Tank fairly new or have you done a recent water change? It sounds like an algae bloom which should soon clear on its own over a few days.
  14. Somebody was slandering fish? How is that done?
  15. I understood we didn't have Endlers in NZ but I could be wrong. Where did you get it?
  16. Caryl

    new member

    Welcome Eagle. What fish do you have?
  17. I know the words to the Wombles song :lol: Then again, I can also sing the old KFC ad (mostly) and the Chesdale cheese one too :roll: When I was a child (and we didn't get TV until I was 8 yrs old) it was balck and white :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry, I think we've got off topic :oops:
  18. Caryl

    Sick Oranda

    I am not a fan of adding anything to my tank if possible (apart from water :lol: ) Nothing wrong with using salts as a bath for a specific reason but they are fresh water fish so I don't see why salts should be added all the time to a tank. Sounds like it was possibly neglect that caused the problems in the first place and if you keep up the water quality you won't have any more problems.
  19. Yes, as our ponds ice over in winter. Once the night temp consistently drops below 18C I bring them in.
  20. I find giving them a quick whack on the concrete fast and efficient. If it is a reasonable size I put it in a plastic bag first - less messy
  21. Hmm wonder what his cholesterol level was :roll:
  22. Caryl

    Sick Oranda

    I had to look up black spot as I had never heard of it. The site I looked at said black spots appeared when a fish was healing from ammonia surges. Or from pigmented cysts of intestinal flukes but these appear on body and fins, not the ends of fins. The white string poo indicates something internal though. What did they give you to treat it with? Good to hear it has recovered. Diagnosing sick fish can be difficult and often, by the time it is showing symptoms, it is too late.
  23. Better text him Ryan as I don't think he is going to check replies here.
  24. Anyone available at the end to help dismantle it all would also make the job a lot easier and faster
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