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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The turbulence from the airstone or bubble wall goes straight up. It does not spread out until it hits the surface. Unless you have a fish like Siamese fighters or gourami who prefer a calm environment, your fish will not mind it at all. You will even find many like to play in the bubbles. Even if you do have those calm preferring fish, there will be places they can rest away from the bubbles, unless you have the airstone connected to a pump that is too strong and in a tank that is quite small.
  2. Caryl

    my goldfish

    It is the same fish Caper. Not sure what it is but it isn't a comet as they have short tails. I assume it is at least part fantail or veiltail. I don't know much about goldfish types. :oops: I just liked the way the pic caught the ripples in the water as the fish spun around grabbing the flakes I had dropped in. I thought it gave it an arty look :roll:
  3. I have hit reply on your email twice now. Have you not received them? :-?
  4. It does not take that long to be transferred!
  5. Caryl


    I wonder if the amount, and size, of the bristles varies depending on whether the male has grown up with other males. Seems to me the dominant male is usally the biggest with biggest bristles.
  6. Depends on the size and age of the mummy molly.
  7. Caryl

    my goldfish

    Just took these two pics and liked them so thought I would share...
  8. Funding is affected by the socio-economics of the area. The more maori and Pacific Islanders you have the lower the fees as there are more subsidies involved for these groups. :-? If you want really cheap GP fees then go live on the West Coast of the South Island. Of course, you may have a really long wait to find a Dr to see you but the fees are low. Enrolments are updated every quarter and they have just done the latest one. It is normal when you are newly enrolled to be charged a higher fee. We try to advise people to enrol somewhere before they need a doctor.
  9. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    It doesn't but, as I said, it does not appear to bother him in the least and he still zips around bossing the other BNs about :-?
  10. I must say I find some tats interesting but would never want one myself. I prefer the look on a single well done tat than a mass of them over the area as they stand out more. What I can't stand is body piercings! :lol: Even pierced ears make me cringe. Mystic: A lot depends on the guy - and the tat! :lol:
  11. My boss has one of those tennis racket shaped zappers and he has great fun with it. :roll:
  12. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    Not so far. It is a secondary infection on a wound.
  13. Your wish is my command 8)
  14. Just thought I would show a pic of one of my male BN with his fluff. It has been like that for ages getting no better, nor worse. I haven't treated him as I am not a fan of chemicals. Besides, he is acting normally and feeding fine as usual. I suspect he was originally injured during spawning. Since he is nigh on impossible to catch and the tank is too big to randomly treat the whole thing, I am leaving him as is. As long as the tank water is good it should be OK.
  15. I too thought cancerous tumours. Perhaps they are a poor genetic group.
  16. I thought you might have read it then run off screaming :lol: Will resend. EDIT: Can't find it now. Suspect I sent it through here and it has dropped off the end of the Sent items as it has filled. Will have to try and remember what I said :roll:
  17. But Ira, not all those of us who attend Weight Watchers are fat
  18. You didn't use enough $$ signs, I think it is more like $$,$$$
  19. You won't always get a good reception but the assistant may be unaware the fish is sick. Just keep it polite and quiet. At least you can say you tried.
  20. I know someone, whose middle name is Rose, who got a rose tattooed on her breast. I must say that as she has aged the rose looks like it needs watering as it is rather wilted compared to what it looked like when she had it done in her early twentys :roll:
  21. Alan I emailed you quite some time ago. Are you just ignoring me or did you not get my email? :-?
  22. For those not understanding Ira's remark - he doesn't like the "fancy" goldfish varieties. Many of these were developed from "deformed" fish and made into a type of their own, enhancing the "deformity" eg goggle eyes, lack of some fins etc and many have inherent health problems (similar to those in many breeds of cats and dogs these days) :lol: Those of you witnessing people buying diseased fish - have you ever quietly gone up to the person involved and politely said "Excuse me but did you realise that fish is ill?" By standing by and saying nothing you are perpetuating the problem.
  23. Everyone knows what I look like so here is a family shot Back row is husband Grant, daughter Kelly and me. My parents are sitting in the middle and son Gareth is on the floor. Photo taken for my parent's 50th anniversary 2004.
  24. Personally I would forget turtles and go for lizards. The pics people have been showing us of their dragons have been great.
  25. I always found plenty to harvest from the sides using a fine paint brush.
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