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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I await your article - thank you :lol:
  2. For those who want to see Sally's marines... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ?start=all
  3. Blue if you would like to do an article on Tubifex worms I would appreciate it. Not sure why you think the worms in the article are not planaria considering it was an article about them! It is possible that sometimes white worms found in an aquarium are not planaria but the ones in the article were.
  4. I agree with conch. If a price is quoted it includes GST, unless otherwise stated.
  5. it made me laugh... A termite found a piece of wood He ate a bit and found it good And that is why your Aunty May Fell through the parlour floor today! :lol:
  6. As topics go - this one's definitely off! :lol:
  7. There is a difference between what temperature fish can live in and what they prefer to live in. Guppies are quite happy down to 18C. They will stay alive in lower temps for short periods but it is not good for them. They would be fine outside in ChCh over summer but bring them in when it gets colder.
  8. Don't ever drop solder onto the hairs on the joint on your big toe (Grant's Hint For The Day) :lol:
  9. WOW a tank with venetian blinds! :lol: What have the room temperatures been?
  10. I guess the water will not be the nice temperature like that in the Molly Hunt? :lol: How definite is this trip? We need to book ferries. Some of us will get very more rounded depending on the food :lol:
  11. Nice pics Clare. Did you realise the varigated rush in the past pic is not an aquatic and will eventually die in there? It is commonly erroneously sold as an aquatic plant.
  12. Caryl

    Hi Im Melissa

    Welcome (you might find the fish cost more than the kids in the long run )
  13. Hi Theresa and welcome
  14. We had a combined BBQ beside my pond today. A lovely day and good company... Feeding the fish :lol: Hannah moves my plant for me. For some reason she didn't want to go to the deeper level of the pond :-?
  15. Nice to hear you are so keen :lol: I will check with Amanda. She wasn't able to make the BBQ today
  16. That's the pot calling the kettle black Gannet since your spelling was even worse! :lol:
  17. I have the feeling you only belong to this FNZAS site. This does not make you a member of the FNZAS. To be a member, you need to join an affiliated club or society. Actual FNZAS members get a Year Book which lists all names and addresses of all affiliated members nationwide. They are listed by club so easy to find fellow Chritchurch members. Of course, if you actually belonged to a club you would know these others members.
  18. We know. We just keep things secret or we would be over-run by North Islanders
  19. Sorry, we shouldn't have joked, it wasn't helpful. I agree with adodge.
  20. I presume he now has a good sized lesion
  21. Didn't someone post recently they would pay hundreds for an albino axoltl?
  22. Did you actually see the cats get the minnows? I would have thought it more likely cats would go for the bigger goldfish and the minnows were eaten by the goldfish.
  23. You were going to join Tasman weren't you? Have you done so? We have the BBQ tomorrow so I can ask if a capitation has been passed on to the FNZAS so I can then add you to my database. Sorry if we have discussed this but I have had a number of enquiries recently about joining clubs or subscribing and I get you all confused. :oops: I assume you are Clare Marie and I have the right person? :-? :lol:
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