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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hmm perhaps getting streaks pulled through tiny holes in a plastic cap isn't so bad afterall then :lol:
  2. I saw a programme on TV where they had a guy in the UK cut off one of his dreadlocks so they could analyse it. What was growing, and living, in it was disgusting! :-? I get itchy just looking at them :lol: What do you have to do to "touch up" dreadlocks? I didn't realise anything had to be done to them. How do they make them in the first place? Sorry I can't recommend a place as I don't live in Auckland.
  3. I got fed up with my Fluval 404 too and got a Jebo 819. Love it :lol:
  4. Avatars get added, or changed, in your profile. Make sure you obey the size (both cm and kb) rules or it won't work.
  5. Caryl

    Welcome to KathyC

    Where does it say she agreed? :lol:
  6. Our 3000th member. I have already informed her we expect a shout :lol:
  7. Hi lang. There are some other Marlburians in here. What about joining the Marlborough Aquarium Club? Best way to start is to swap mature filter media from an established tank. Give me a PM or email and I can help you there, or you are welcome to visit. I am in Faulkland Drive phone if you want 578 9390
  8. Caryl


    Didn't you used to have 1 PC each?
  9. Details please. What size is the tank? (dimensions) How long has it been set up? How many fish are in it and what sort? Have you done any water tests?
  10. They would not go well together. A) as stated, BNs are tropical and need min 18+C B) Axies would eat them I think - or try. C) Despite seeing "coldwater guppies" for sale, they are tropical. Again, not below 18C If you want fish in with your axies, perhaps leopardfish or white clouds would be the answer. We need someone who keeps axies to tell us if they eat all fish or just slow ones
  11. There isno problem with chat itself as I have been in there every night with no trouble, except Tuesday I think, when it would not let me in for ages. Been going ell since.
  12. I am sure he was trying to be helpful. Many people have not heard about cycling and have no idea what it is. Nobody has implied you are stupid.
  13. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    That is a possibility. Our tap water is high in phosphates anyway. I will blame the grape growers! :lol:
  14. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    I don't know what the connection is but I have found over years of experience that if I do water changes when the water table is low, I get algae outbreaks :roll:
  15. Not all filters will run on a UPS. I'm at work so can't ask husband but something to do with different sine waves or something :-?
  16. No idea as that was taken a few years ago and the tank is no longer set up. The oxygen weed was pulled out of the river flowing through the middle of Blenheim so is quite likely to be a banned one :roll:
  17. Caryl

    my goldfish

    As far as I know a comet is a comet if it has a short tail. If it has a longer one it has crossed with a fantail or veiltail so is a hybrid.
  18. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    Town supply which is artesian
  19. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    Thank you ryanjury, yes I did mean that sometimes it is better to leave it alone. Today the fish was hovering near the surface (unusual for this one as he spends most of his time hiding) so I wondered if he was taking a turn for the worse. I managed to get the lid lifted and a container to put him in while he just sat there but he then scooted off before I could catch him and I haven't seen him since (back to status quo). Not keen to do any water changes at the moment as we have water restrictions. When our water table is low I find water changes often produce algae blooms in the tank (hate to think what we are drinking :lol: - apart from the E coli) so I try to avoid them even more than usual over summer. If I can ever catch him I will certainly meth blue him :roll: Water is clearing now they have eaten the whole cucumber 8)
  20. Caryl

    Bristlenose fluff

    Extra water changes? I rarely do any, let alone extra Tank has just gone very cloudy thanks to some cucumber I added yesterday :roll:
  21. I think variety is the answer. If you feed a variety of foods the fish ought to get all the vitamin requirements they need. I have found, from personal experience, the main difference beteween the cheap and expensive foods was the amount of "bulk" if that's the word. I had some cheap pellets and some dearer ones. The fish did not like the cheap ones and refused to eat them. When I added one of each to water, the cheap ones swelled up twice the size of the dearer ones (due to a "bulking" agent?). This caused problems for the one fish who did eat the cheap ones - major balance problems as it had difficulty digesting the pellets as they bulked up more inside the fish and it couldn't swim right until it finally managed to get the pellet through its digestive system. More to the point is to use fish foods quickly once the container has been opened as they lose their 'goodness' rapidly once exposed to air.
  22. Especially me! I am sure I am one of the youngest here :roll: :lol: (at heart anyway)
  23. I don't get it either but Ira is allowed to take the mickey as he is American.
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