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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. They did the electrical bits on ours too :-? We didn't have the equipment for the heatshrinking.
  2. Caryl

    water foam

    Well I guess you have a lonely male looking for love :roll:
  3. Caryl

    water foam

    Are you sure the gouramis haven't made a bubble nest?
  4. I wonder if it is an egg bound female. A tumour tends to stick out more one side or another I think. Have you tried the peas or Epsom Salts in case it is constipated? That is the first thing to try. If that doesn't help, then I think there is nothing you will be able to do for it.
  5. I also forgot the question was about Jebo and AquaOne tanks, not filters DUH :roll:
  6. Thanks. I was pretty sure it was one of Reacher :lol:
  7. Just the heat pad. Use it cos we could. No heaters in the tank so looks better aesthetically. Heat rises so pad is more efficient and heats whole base.
  8. It isn't my fault you live on the wrong side of your country! We are going to Scotland.
  9. Caryl

    Water Boatmen

    I would put them in a plastic container like the 1kg barrels Marmite and peanut butter come in (if you eat heaps of it like us). No more than half fill it with water then tape the lid down thoroughly. Make sure it is well sealed then pop it in a bubble bag. I guess you could use a smaller container, depending on how many water boatmen you had (and if they were still carrying their oars ) With the change in parcel size and price it might pay to visit the $2 Shop or similar for a flatter plastic container. As long as you can make it water tight.
  10. It is quick. A bit like transferring fish between tanks in separate rooms. Net fish, carry it through house, add to new tank. The same amount of time out of the water as it would be to photograph one. Fish are remarkably resilient and can cope for quite some time out of water.
  11. OK, it was in some sort of book I read. I seem to remember the road being in the desert about 15 miles out of Las Vegas. They were burying bodies at the end of the road if I remember correctly :-?
  12. Zyzyx. Was that the name of a road in one of the Lee Child books? I am trying to remember where I have heard it before.
  13. When photographing fish in the wild on a fish gathering expedition they are often photographed out of the water. It only take a few seconds and doesn't harm the fish.
  14. They don't need much. Three smaller pieces will be fine
  15. If it's good enough for you, it should be good enough for your fish. I think it isn't corrosion that is the problem for some but copper pipes in older houses.
  16. No you can't use an electric blanket but the one on mine does use the wire used in electric blankets. It also has a heatshrink wrapped cord and a thermostat
  17. I LOVE the Jebo. I have two 819s and found them better than my Fluval 404 or Ehein wet/dry (but anything would be better than the wet/dry :roll: ) The one on my tropical ran for 12 months before I cleaned it. It has now been running a further 8 months with no problem.
  18. I warm up the water for my tropicals only because it is more comfortable for me when I stick my hand in it (to stop the flow disturbing the gravel)! The Africans got 50% water changes straight from the hose and loved it, always playing in the current.
  19. I used to do 50% water changes on my African tank using the garden hose with the forceful trigger on the end. The fish loved it and played in the strong current. Not only did they get a big temperature change but they got a pH change as well. Never bothered them in the least! A fish keeper I know of many years standing never used warm water in his water changes. He never used filters either for that matter. Lightly stocked tanks, heavily planted.
  20. If you are moving containers of water, don't bag the fish, just throw them in the container with the water. Saves a lot of mucking around. You can use the empty tank as a holding facility at the other end too. How far are you moving?
  21. It is a home built heat pad. You can't buy them that size.
  22. If you have lots of money, go marine. If not, stick to tropical 8)
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