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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Nope :-? But we did go on the MX5 outing and that was restful (even if it did involve more driving). We finished off the magazines when we got back. To get back on topic :lol: ... We will be driving to conference next year 8)
  2. Magazines are all set to go to NZ Post in the morning.
  3. Sleep? What's that? Grant too is overworked at the moment. He has been working 66hr plus weeks for Downers (then comes home to do the computer work that backs up while he is called out) and travelled 2084kms in one week (and that doesn't include the 3,633 we did on the rally). Last week, from Tuesday morning to Saturday afternoon he did just over 1,700kms :roll: He then came home and folded and stapled 300 AW magazines then today helped me finished addressing, bagging and stamping them.
  4. Not to mention executive members should be setting a good example!
  5. No, it is sticking to the guidelines and the topic.
  6. I have deleted all the posts that went off the subject.
  7. mr pleco I emailed you 16.09.08 asking for your name and address but have not had a reply.
  8. We are getting there and I believe it will be available for download when the upgrade is activated.
  9. The barbs really don't like higher temps. They prefer 20 - 25C. The black widow is a 20 - 26C type. The brichardi like different water conditions to the others. They are a L Tanganyikan species and like a higher pH. They also prefer 23 - 25C. I don't think the treatment bothers snails.
  10. Grown all by myself. Well, actually, my dad planted it for me in a hanging basket and gave it to me, I just hung it up and waited for the fruit to turn red 8) Gee, this gardening lark is easy! :lol:
  11. What other fish are in the tank? Some will not cope with temps that high.
  12. Do not assume that the bristlenoses were 'carrying' the disease. It could have just been the stress of adding some more fish to the tank that set the others off. Mollies, IME, are prone to whitespot at the slightest provocation.
  13. There is one you can copy on page 7 of your Year Book Barrie. I assume Imsweet is also a financial member of the FNZAS? If not, they are not eligible to enter the scheme
  14. White spot is usually a result of stress. 9 times out of 10 it indicates poor, or incorrect, water quality or conditions. Find the cause or it will recur.
  15. Why do you want to use pure oxygen? They ought to be fine without if bagged correctly. They aren't super large are they? Pure oxygen will cut down on size and weight mind you. This is why I used it to send a bulk lot of cichlids from Blenheim to Hamilton via hand luggage on 2 flights 8) Without using pure oxygen; Double bag them (that is, one bag inside another) and use 1 1/4 water to 3/4 air. Do not put too many in each bag. If they are larger than 6cm, have 1 per bag only. Do not feed them for 2 or 3 days before they go. This cuts down on waste produced en route Pack scrunched up newspaper, towelling, or something around the bags when you put them in a box to make sure the bags can't move around or fall over. PS. I got my pure oxygen from the local emergency department (I know a Dr there and he loaned me a small bottle of the stuff, complete with a bit of airline).
  16. It will be a small intimate conference as so far only about 20 are eligible to attend
  17. Caryl

    Guppies dying

    Human males die younger too if they are on their own
  18. Caryl

    Guppies dying

    Too much testosterone you reckon? :lol:
  19. Caryl

    Guppies dying

    That's a lot of fish in a small tank that is only 3 months old. Have you checked the water parameters? Buoyancy problems can be a result of poor water quality or internal infection. If infection, it may also show a lack of appetite, lethargy, redness etc.
  20. I would have suggested it but you said "fish shops" :lol: Where in ChCh will you be? We can help you work out which are easiest to get to from your location.
  21. Caryl

    Guppies dying

    A few more details would be helpful. What size is the tank? Filtration? How long has it been set up? What other fish are in there?
  22. I am almost finished Feb (mostly thanks to you and your articles) and also working on May . Send stuff anyway as I can't always use every article in the next issue if I get more than one on a specific subject. I try to cover as many different aspects of fish keeping as I can each mag so some will get held over for the next issue. IT IS SO GREAT TO HAVE SOME TO HOLD OVER!!!! :bounce: :bounce:
  23. Caryl

    live food time!

    That would explain it as the water is very dark in that one. It gets both leaves and bark chips in it.
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