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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Organism on the cnr Ilam and Clyde Rd Redwood Aquatics - opposite Willowbank Wildlife Park, Hussey Rd Bubble and Squeak - 250 Stanmore Rd You might also want to check out Critter Kingdom - 213 Blenheim Rd Pet World - 475 Ferry Rd The Water Garden is good if you are into ponds etc - 297 Blenheim Rd (not far from Critter Kingdom)
  2. Caryl

    live food time!

    My stock pond is chokka full of them yet the old bath around the back of the house has none. Not sure why except the one with all the critters has mandarins dropping into it regularly 8)
  3. Caryl

    live food time!

    I have a stock tank I use as a secondary pond in the same yard as the goldfish pond so if it gets contaminated, I am sure both will. That is where the mozzies breed. I feed them to my tropicals inside. Guess I could throw some into the goldfish too. The neighbours' bedroom window is closer to it than I am so they will get bitten before me. Not had problems so far
  4. Yeah, PM me your name and address and I will tell you if I have you on my magic list
  5. Queens Birthday is always the first Monday in June so 2009 will be Monday 1st June. The conference weekend starts on Friday evening May 29th (registration time and get-together) and finishes Monday June 1st. I like the colours in Pagani but most of the fashions are too young for a mature woman like me :roll: 8) :lol: You will be pleased to finally have a job again spink. I am sure you will still have time to write articles though 8) although you have written more already than many others put together!!
  6. Did you just join the UHAS or KMAC? I have a number of new KMAC membership cards here ready to go with some new members plus am waiting for a membership card for a new UHAS member. As soon as it arrives a magazine will be on its way.
  7. Caryl

    live food time!

    I took my little container and net out to my pond (not the big one) and scooped 8)
  8. The November AW is printing as I type 8) Being over 60Mb long this time (about 4x the usual size) it is taking a while. I do them in blocks of 25 magazines (that's how much paper the out tray holds) and each block is taking 4 hours and 15 minutes to print. Total is 300 so, if my maths is correct, it will take 51 hours to print them all. :roll: We are getting there. Of course, we then have to fold, staple, address, bag and stamp but I hope to have them to NZ Post by the weekend. What can you look forward to? Read about... Hellen's Royal Blues Paul's visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium What to do if your killlie eggs are taking too long to hatch What's in a library near you? we introduce Mr & Mrs Hewson - with wedding pics Stopping pond predators (very topical for me as I am fighting a blue heron) Identifying plant bits Article, results and pics from the Livebearer Show Bottom dwellers Marine bettas Making a Java Hutt but wait - there's more!!!! Read about it in an issue arriving in your letterbox soon!! :bounce: I would like to add here that this has been the easiest magazine I have ever had to put together. Thanks to those who heeded the call and produced such an interesting and varied number of articles. If I had this many to choose from all the time, editing would be a breeze
  9. There is a full article plus results and pics in the Aquarium World, currently printing as I type
  10. Cookieskennels you are aware those posts are a year old aren't you?
  11. Happy birthday Mark. I hope you were delighted with your Turk.
  12. The heron is either new to the area, or only moved up to our street after cleaning out ponds further north! We have many cats drink from the pond. The netting is upsetting the smaller birds who used to bathe in the waterfall. We might have to pull the netting off that bit. The net isn't as colourful as it looks in the pics. We have now strung nylon around the edges and maybe this will do and we will be able to remove the netting. The heron will not be here long hopefully before it moves on. :roll:
  13. Although "conjugate" is appropriate –adjective 5. joined together, esp. in a pair or pairs; coupled. :lol:
  14. I think it's great there are now enough salties in NZ to have a dedicated site specifically for marine.
  15. OK, came home today to find one blue heron sitting in the middle of the pond ON the netting! :evil: I then remembered I had done an article (for the November AW, due out in the next week) about pond predators so looked up what I had written 8) It said that herons were wading birds and didn't like to get their feathers wet so the pond had to be deeper than its legs (which it is, except around the edges) or the netting had to be 15 - 30cm above the water so it couldn't spear the fish through the netting. Hmmm, this required some thought as the pond is too big to practically build a framework over it. We finally decided we could thread nylon through the netting lengthwise then pull it up tight at each end. So... Grant wobbled out on the ladder and started threading nylon from the pergola to the opposite end. He then listed the aid of mother duck and over she goes!!! The nylon was tied to the tree at one end and the pergola at the other. It now looks like this As you can see, the fish were out and about, following Grant down the ladder, obviously thinking that if he fell in all their Christmases would have come at once! While the heron was there they all disappeared so obviously they have some sense! I wil keep you posted as to the efficacy of our efforts.
  16. Not as red though and it doesn't give me the same pleasure to watch it feed as I get from the fish
  17. That will be a cat. The bird would have eaten them :evil: We got the green as it was all they had. It will fade
  18. As a result of this guy... We have had to do this... Not pretty but hopefully it will stop him. I found a dessicated half eaten fish body under one of the bushes while anchoring down the net. Not sure if a cat dragged it out alive or if it died and was scooped out as it floated near the edge. Wasn't the heron as it only just arrived - luckily I was looking out the window when it came in to land! I stood guard while Grant rushed out to buy some netting. We had thought of using the stiff wire stuff but it would have cost over $300. As it was, the netting was $50. One of the disadvantages of habing a large pond :-? . We had to get 4m x 10m of netting. Eventually we might get around to anchoring it in a neater manner and perhaps getting the net ends under the decking. This was a quick fix-it job.
  19. So does anyone have any pics of these interesting, and varied, costumes?
  20. Caryl

    I'm so gutted

    Bet you're not as gutted as the 2 females :lol: You will find a male I am sure.
  21. and photos will be in the November Aquarium World Some of those shown are the 1st pace getters I think
  22. The one on his knees is Jim R and the other is Chris, not billaney.
  23. Fighters will attack anything with flowing fins (although there are some exceptions)
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