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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Others have had a similar problem. I think it eventually goes away :-?
  2. Caryl


    I would offer to transport them Dixon but not sure I will have time on this trip. Plus they would get a wild ride! :lol:
  3. It means they have had a good feed of brine shrimp?
  4. Caryl


    About time Marty! We will be in Dunedin Saturday 18th and Monday 20th nights passing through with the Silver Fern Rally. No time to visit and see the new set-up
  5. At least a replacement will be better quality than the one you broke, and a lot cheaper
  6. It has probably buggered the lens. Contact Sony and ask but I think it would be cheaper to replace it. That model is the one older than mine I think and mine is 4 years old so repair will most likely be uneconomical.
  7. One small snail or a mossie larva
  8. Amazonian makes his own and does a very nice job of them too!
  9. Has a newsletter gone out yet as I don't seem to have one? Apologies from Grant and I please as we will be in Queenstown (I think) or somewhere down south with the Silver Fern Car Rally.
  10. Caryl

    hi all

    Hi and welcome. There is always someone with an answer to your questions - plus other who will disagree with them :lol:
  11. Caryl

    Name that fish #9

    There seem to be quite a few who do understand the basics of the game. The idea is to ask one question which requires a yes or no answer. Only after the answer has been posted should someone ask another question.
  12. Caryl

    Sick goldfish?

    Sorry to hear that Sophie. We should have asked you what size the tank and fish were and how long it had been set up. That might have given us more clues.
  13. Hey at least I had removed the original contents! 8)
  14. Daughter Kelly bought one of those magnetic catflaps for her cat. The cat gets a magnetic collar so only it can get in or out of the catflap. He got stuck today - to the rail of the metal bunk set :lol:
  15. Grant just booked a motel we had previously spent one night in 2 years ago on the previous rally. The man said "Oh yes, you do the communications with the car rally don't you?" He had remembered him (he also remembered another Ham who had also contacted them to book a room again). On a similar note to Stella. Do you know what sort of looks you get from young (and they are all a LOT younger than me these days) policeman when you go to report your bag stolen and he asks you to describe it so you say "It was a black shoulder bag with D-Vice Designer Sex Gear written on it" :roll:
  16. This is interesting as I have never had a problem with any of my BNs (plain browns) fighting and I have 5 adult males and 2 females in a 250L tank (plus fry)
  17. Slowly building up the bacteria in the filter to cope with the fish waste. Have a look here
  18. Hi Mo and welcome. Since you already know other fish addicts I assume you know about cycling a tank too?
  19. If that driftwood breeds you could be in trouble! :lol:
  20. Caryl

    Hi Everyone :)

    Welcome to fishaholics not-so-anonymous :lol:
  21. I had a seemingly well (acted and ate normally) bristlenose swell up and explode. A couple of others said they had experienced the same thing. None of us knew why though :-? One would expect it to be something like bloat or constipation. I don't even know if they get bloat.
  22. Caryl

    Sick goldfish?

    See if you can tempt him with a cooked, shelled pea as he may be having digestive troubles. A pea will help get his bowels moving.
  23. What are they being fed?
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