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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I should have remembered the Ninja Turtles as we have this on our hall wall... He is the same height as me. Many kids have drawn on our hall wall over the years. We said they could as we were going to redecorate but, since Gareth was 7 at the time I drew the Ninja Turtle, and he is now coming up 27, sa you can see we still haven't got around to redecorating the hallway! :lol: I also added Spiderman as I though he would be appropriate among the spider webs
  2. The fighter is seeing the guppy as a rival and will continue to attack it. Don't worry about the guppy's fins though, they will grow back. Just make sure the water is as clean as possible so it doesn't get secondary infections. You are going to have to keep them separated as the fighter will continue the attacks.
  3. The plastic goes 3/4 up the sides and the mix stays slightly below the plastic top level so it doesn't rot the box.
  4. Goldfish tend to nibble at the roots which kills off the top of the plant :-? My tank had Java fern and water sprite in it. The sprite grew faster than the fish could destroy it :lol: Duckweed I don't think you can grow lilies in it as they need a certain depth (might be wrong there).
  5. I agree with all the above but would recommend a 45 x 30 x 30cm or 30 x 30 x 30cm tank as smallest. Remember though that your trio (assuming they are a mix of sexes) will breed so you will need space for the resulting fry.
  6. They are very messy fish and love rearranging the substrate so plants are out as they are quickly destroyed. As you noted, a large tank (250L minimum) is needed and very good filtration. You will also have to be prepared to do frequent water changes as well. Best to keep as much equipment as possible outside of the tank or they will break it - particularly heaterstats! An under tank heat pad would be a good consideration, or the more expensive non-glass heaterstats. You can get guards for the glass ones but oscars are good at destroying them, despite the covering. They will eat just about anything and like variety. I know of one who loved bananas and would eat half a banana per day, along with other foods, both meat and vegetable. Some people like to give their oscars toys to play with. A ping pong ball for instance. Most owners say their oscars recognise them and come to meet them when they approach the tank. The one who ate bananas would continually bash his head on the end of the tank when his owner entered the room until she spoke to him, then he would happily swim off again. They are fish with character!
  7. Hi and welcome karynjoy. You are right, your fish choices won't be compatible. I suspect one is also a marine! :lol: Of course you can keep all of those fish, you will just need a few more tanks
  8. TM are you referring to Hokitika Waterworld (as it used to be called)? I don't think they have their big display tanks any more. Don't know what happened to the massive eels they had in them.
  9. OK pics uploaded here. The first album is of the start in Cathedral Square in Christchurch. Note the other sub albums down the left of the page for the following 8 days of rallying. Not as many cars featured as landscapes we were ahead of them all clearing the roads then stopped at the finish of the last stage so not much opportunity for action shots . Got quite a few in some places though. Loved this shot of a dog we passed at Hagley Park. Looks like the dog's arm hanging out the window :lol: Some roadkill I found in the middle of nowhere Sign on The Nevis Bowling Club... I believe the Nevis Rd is the highest public road in NZ. Around Lake Onslow was the coldest Here is what the truck looked like afterwards... By Timaru it looked like this... But at least nobody wrote on it like they did the marshall's car He got 8 dogs on the back of this
  10. 3rd it - plus the article for the magazine
  11. Caryl

    tiger barbs

    I save a few cooked peas from my tea then just give them a slight squeeze to pop them out of their skin, then drop the peas in. They disintegrate easily when squished by hand so no need to grind them up.
  12. We used to have a wild one near us that rang like a phone. A damned nuisance when you were hanging the washing and heard a phone ring! :roll: :lol:
  13. Caryl

    Fresh Lettuce

    Probably a rumour put out by those growing the more expensive fancier lettuces :lol:
  14. I stayed out of all ditches this year. No Net access so no uploads. Will get it done over the weekend. Saw some fantastic scenery, drove through snow, wind, rain, dust and sunshine!
  15. Caryl

    Fresh Lettuce

    I have never blanched lettuce. You need to do it on tougher greens like cabbage to help break it down a bit for digestion. They don't care what sort of lettuce it is so iceberg is fine.
  16. I have been away for 10 days so just catching up on all the posts! An article, no matter how short, would be appreciated whetu, along with pics. My email is in my profile (or the button at the bottom of my posts). I found 4 PM notifications but only 1 message in my inbox so I wonder if you have sent it as a PM but I haven't received it?
  17. Have avoided ditches so far and am in Queenstown. If anyone wants to see the pics... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/carylnz/ go to Silver Fern rally 08. Note there is a sub album in there too. Most of the pics are scenery as we travel ahead of the cars checking the road is clear. We were at the finish of stage 6 though so there are some cars at the end!!
  18. Off on the Silver Fern Car Rally. See you next week (maybe) 8) :bounce:
  19. Another thread got a bit off topic when talking about loving meeces to pieces :lol: What cartoon characters did you like as a kid? I remember Touche Turtle! and Squiddly Diddly. Of course in my day Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters were king. When my kids were little we watched Danger Mouse and his sidekick Penfold (hamster) fight the evil Silas Greenback (a frog) and others. Fraggles, Dinoriders. Remember The Pink Panther and Snagglepuss? Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole?
  20. The two things you need to look out for are algae and snails. Melafix won't do a thing for plants. You can dip them in potassium permanganate but I don't know the dosage.
  21. Caryl

    tiger barbs

    Is one of the other fish bullying them? It can be a sign of submission I think.
  22. Phoenix are you referring to kids or birds? :lol:
  23. I believe it is; God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the abilty to hide the bodies of those who have p**ed me off!
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