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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    Have a look at www.indac.co.nz
  2. Caryl

    hello there

    And how many of you southerners will be going to the Dunedin tank parade?
  3. Those three at the station might buy your spare bulls
  4. Caryl


    Plastic or fibreglass are easier to move
  5. Caryl

    hello there

    Welcome to the fishroom. We have all asked what some would think were 'silly questions' at some time or other.
  6. Caryl

    Tank Re-do

    Looking good. Did you put de lime in de coconut? 8) (old song)
  7. Caryl


    Or farm supply places for the stuff they line dams. Stock troughs can be good too.
  8. Do they have a size limit perhaps?
  9. Laying eggs is very tiring so she will be conserving her energy and recovering.
  10. Sorry but I don't know about temperature differences and the effect on goldfish eggs as my goldfish are always left to their own devices in an outdoor pond :-? I would try it and see. No great loss if you lose them as they will spawn again as the weather warms.
  11. Dunedin will be having a club tank parade Saturday 10th October. ALL WELCOME. This event will finish with a BYO BBQ. Also included will be a pet shop crawl stopping at three local shops. Starts 9.30am at 4 Nairn St, Mosgiel
  12. We built our pond so the hedgehogs could get out. Our smaller round pond is different though and, despite adding a 'step' they still drown in it
  13. Liquifry is liquid fry food. It comes in small containers from your local fish shop. There are two different types, one for egg layers and one for live bearers.
  14. Good to hear Sue. The Christchurch Totally Tanked did similar at a local Pet Expo and did very well, garnering a lot of interest. :bounce: If I can help with full colour A4 posters for your display then let me know. I am sure you will find plenty of people in the area to help. 8)
  15. I have just Googled times between our start and your meeting. It takes longer than I thought so we won't reach you until at least 1pm as it is 5 hours travel according to Mrs Google and she seems to be pretty accurate. Go ahead and eat your lunch and we will bring our own.
  16. I so agree. Personally I much prefer darker gravel.
  17. I had similar small clumps of that algae in summer when temps were hottest. It disappears over winter. It was in the still bits. I just scooped out as much as I could (to get rid of the unsightly factor).
  18. I am sure you are right but we ran ours skimmerless for 2 years with no problems whatsoever and just ran an AquaClear filter. The only death we had was the octopus (who escaped). The only reason we dismantled it was we could not keep it cold enough over summer without a chiller.
  19. Caryl

    Aliens of the Deep

    Then you have not been listening to Amateur Radio Hams
  20. I hope you don't end up having a Bitter Betta Battle
  21. Very expensive brine shrimp too I imagine. :roll:
  22. They are not allowed. If someone complains, or points them out, perhaps they are destroyed then. :-?
  23. It is not just a case of whether they can survive if released. It is also what pathogens/diseases they bring in with them too.
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