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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Grant suggests magnetic bulbs are the answer, then you can just throw them up towards the fitting and they will stick in to place No climbing up on chairs and stuff.
  2. Caryl


    Hi and welcome.
  3. Apparently it requires a little bribery and corruption by Zev - and she will be doing this at the weekend (the dev version, not the bribery and corruption necessarily ). Our apologies for not having it sorted already :oops: A full site backup was done last night, plus a database back-up in preparation in case things go wrong :-?
  4. Go for it Sally and make sure Dennis or someone takes pics of it all!!!! If necessary I can come and do that, just not this weekend.
  5. I suggest I ask Zev (which I have) :lol:
  6. This shows you how to subscribe to the magazine. From here look under FNZAS and Aquarium World. You may also join an affiliated society or club then get the magazine free. The nearest club to you in the Dunedin Aquarium & Pond Society. I realise you are not close enough to get to their meetings but they have an excellent and informative club newsletter sent to members once a month. Their tank parade is tomorrow too. Their details are here I didn't realise you could not read the profiles. I will have to ask our Admin, Zev, about that one as I thought it was sorted. Does it work if you do as it says in the link Dixon1990 has provided (thank you Dixon1990)?
  7. Hey I didn't suggest anyone join in the way of signing up to anything, I meant join as in participate with. If anyone comes along with us on Saturday and then decides to join the Dunedin Aquarium & Pond Society then they will find it well worth it! The others are correct though, the tank is too small for more additions. You must remember all those fish are going to grow plus the live bearers will keep producing more fry every 4 - 6 weeks.
  8. You ought to join the Dunedin tank parade on Saturday (see the FNZAS Clubs section for details) as it might give you some more ideas
  9. Sorry to hear that Sally. We will see if we can check out Redwoods on our way through on Sunday - if ew have time)
  10. Advertise them on Trademe? :-? Eat the chooks
  11. I didn't know they were that shape :-? Are more on the way? I assume she will lay a clutch of them.
  12. I only clean my filter out once or twice a year. No need to do it usually unless the water flow is reduced. The only way to know is to test the water. Can you tell us the pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Also, how long has the tank been set up? I gather it has not been running for long (the 8months?)? What size is it and how many fish were in it and how many left? I hope you did not mix your meds. Always only use one at a time and use carbon in between to make sure it has removed all the first med before adding another. 99% of problems are caused by poor, or incorrect, water conditions. White spot is also a sign of stress.
  13. Try it and see. If it doesn't work they will spawn again.
  14. Look forward to it! Make sure you make yourself known.
  15. Indian fern is Ceratopteris pteroides/cornata. It is often confused with water sprite, Ceratopteris thalictroides . Both propagates by plantlets forming on the leaf margins. Another similar plant is water wisteria, Hygrophila difformis . H difformis propagates from cuttings. Its emersed form is a lot different from its submerged form. All three ought to be readily available.
  16. Keep them in the dark with a piece of glass flat on top of the food and media mix. When comes time to gather some they ought to be at the surface on the glass, or near it in a mass clump. As soon as it is light though they will dive into the media.
  17. LOTS of good photography opportunites. Grant and I will both be taking ours. He has been practising his macros. I will be needing good shots of the magazine article
  18. I assume the angle of the lean is quite critical or they won't drain properly? :lol:
  19. Sorry, yes I did mean they were planted but grow long enough for the ends to float.
  20. I am sure you can just turn up. Find out which one is me and introduce yourself Tell them you read about it in these forums and that I invited you 8)
  21. Parts of me have dropped and sag. Does that make me worth more? :lol:
  22. My red rotala grows long and spreads out over the surface.
  23. Caryl

    hello there

    A tank parade is where all start at the house of the first person offering to show their aquariums (and/or ponds) to others. All then make their way from house to house (the people parade, not the tanks ) viewing everyone else's aquariums, usually starting from one side of the city and making their way to the other. They stop for morning tea along the way (always delicious) and will be visiting 3 pet shops too. They then have a BYO BBQ at the last house. It is a great way to meet likeminded people, get new ideas, scrounge fish and plants and have a good time. The Dunedin club members are very welcoming. I have posted start time and place in the FNZAS Clubs section It looks like this one will start in Mosgiel at 9.30am and finish at The Cove with about 10 houses to visit. Come and join us! If we can make it from Blenheim than I am sure you southlanders can make it from Invercargill or Queenstown :bounce: Looks like it is about the same time as it takes us to get from home to ChCh. It would require an early start of course, unless you came on the Friday and stayed overnight somewhere. The Dunedin camping ground is very comfy, from memory, although it is a few years since I have stayed there.
  24. I have just been reading a news report on Stuff that advises all hotmail users to change their password as they have had a massive security breach So, those of you with hotmail accounts better read up about it.
  25. She's got de fry in de coconut :lol:
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