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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Drift Wood

    I agree with flatfish. The dark, heavy stuff is usually already waterlogged. I have not yet had one that leached (lucky me). The wood I collected was also right near the waterline and obviously still wet.
  2. Don't now about your regular meeting but Grant and I wil be passing through ChCh Sunday 11th Oct and wondered if any members wished to meet up with us in the afternoon. We will be returning from Dunedin's Tank and Pond Parade so should reach ChCh between 12 and 2pm I imagine.
  3. If you have other stuff insured you can often get a good discount from the same insurer. Ring around and ask. It is amazing how much they can vary.
  4. Frequent water changes would be better I feel.
  5. Caryl

    Drift Wood

    All my driftwood was gathered from the beach. I just gave it a bit of a scrub, rinsed it, then added it to the tank. Never had a problem (so far)
  6. All were acting fine as far as we could see. None died, some were breeding so I take that as a good sign. All I meant was you can have a successful cold water marine rockpool tank without adding extra equipment. A chiller is a must though.
  7. If you add your location to your profile chelle321 (click on user control panel at top right of screen then 'profile') someone may be able to give you a specific supplier to try. We will be heading to Dunedin in a couple of weeks. Are you along the route? Happy to pick up and deliver some if you find it cheaper in ChCh
  8. Radio said 25 dead in Samoa and the number will rise dramatically as many more are missing.
  9. Only higher tides in northland I would imagine. One radio station we were listening to said 2 villages had already been wiped out in Samoa somewhere and many have headed for higher ground
  10. Caryl

    Hi From Southland

    Welcome to the fishroom. Where in Southland are you? Perhaps if you added it to your profile (click on the user control panel at the top right of the page and then your profile) someone nearby may have just the fish you are looking for
  11. One of our members bred albino corys. She didn't realise they were still in a tank left to its own devices. The water went very dark green. She went to empty it and found the fry.
  12. I was thinking more along the lines of fish whose fry do not like the light for a while after they are hatched - like cardinals. I seem to remember reading that they prefer a blacked out tank. This is from the article on this site re breeding cardinal tetras... Another factor to be noted in this bio type is that cardinals are found only in dark and shaded waters away from sunlight and they have a distinct dislike of strong light. It then talks about blacking out the fry tank with polythene.
  13. I am not sure any fry need light, even guppies. Light is for the plants.
  14. My water never fouled and I didn't have a skimmer or do regular water changes on my cold water rockppol marine. :-?
  15. They don't need light. In fact, they may breed more readily in low light!
  16. Peat can change the pH yes.
  17. Colour is not necessarily an indication of quality. You can have lovely clear water that is toxic to the inhabitants.
  18. The 1200 x 600 x 600 is a good start but bear in mind how fast guppies breed! They are all small fish so produce less waste, comparitively speaking, than bigger species.
  19. I would run the old filter for a month before removing it, or take some of the old media and add it to the hew filter if that is possible.
  20. Where do you all find the time to do this??? :-?
  21. We set ours up as a rockpool so anything we found in rockpools we figured was fine for our tank (which was about 900mm x 300 x 300 from memory). We only worried about the fish so stuck to triplefins and rockfish. There were those little red anemones everywhere in it. It had an AquaClear (200 or 300) HOB.
  22. I have never seen an aquarium with venetian blinds. Very classy! 8)
  23. I disagree. There is still swimming space
  24. Real intelligent women say "Grant, how much water will fit in here?" 8)
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