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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Pepper can't - yet. It can glide about 3m but downwards only. Has no lift but I am sure that will come as the feathers grow out. :roll:
  2. Don't want to take it into the shower as we shower at night and it wouldn't have time to dry out properly. I would worry about bird flu or chills as a result. Cam yes he does go outside and goes to work with Grant when possible. We will have to figure out when it is time to trim his feathers though or we will lose him :-? We fed the pond fish together today but I kept an eye out for the neighbouring cats. Grant looks like a drug addict with marks on both arms from where Pepper hung on for dear life as they travelled in the 4WD over a very rough road! :lol:
  3. Err how can you tell he is happy bd? :-?
  4. Not really, it is just they die and we do not know the cause without an autopsy and microscopic examination. There is always a reason for a fish death but, unless it is obvious, we do not know the cause
  5. It might be a bite mark, we have both been nibbles a couple of times. Nothing too terrible though and understandable with a beak this size. He has taken to plucking out Grant's beard and hanging off it :lol: I don't know if it is keeping down the dust or if my allergy is to something else as I have been fine this week. Pepper has been on my shoulder most of today and I am still fine :bounce:
  6. Are they proof that smoking stunts your growth?
  7. We have taken to bathing Pepper in the sink as water doesn't go quite so far (only halfway over the kitchen and up the window). He loves ducking under, and drinking from, the tap. As soon as the bath is finished, it's up onto your shoulder to shake like a dog while water drips off the end of the tail :roll:
  8. Grant needs a 4WD for work and we found great difficulty in finding a good one at a reasonable price. They were either old, with many miles on the clock, or fairly new and therefore out of our price range. Were you looking at a 4WD just for size or do you go off-road? If not, keep to a people mover. I have no idea what the car is you are buying but we have a Honda Odyssey and it goes really well. We have never had a problem with it and have only had to replace the tyres. Get an AA check or similar. They will be able to tell you if it is worth the price.
  9. One of your kids has been drawing on it! Hard to see in that pic. Fish do get tumours or it could be a parasite about to burst through the scales :-?
  10. I put it down to over-excitement and removed the repeats
  11. I imagine if you chop it off at the top the remaining bit will then grow bushier. It is a very fast grower and likes a lot of light. Sorry, can't help with the plec
  12. I don't think you can keep goldfish in the same pond as turtles as I believe they get eaten. Don't know anything about turtles though but believe they need warmth.
  13. We almost got to catapault cows in the UK at Warwick Castle but ran out of time Apparently pigs were preferred in ye olde dayes as they were more aerodynamic
  14. Si-sphinx posted a step by step method he used (and this will appear in the Aquarium World currently being printed). He found the concrete leached, raising the pH. Several weeks of major water changes did not bring it down enough so he coated it with several layers of resin in the end. One of our members used poly she cut with a hot wire her husband had made into a curved shape (and she heated it using a small blowtorch I think) then she siliconed gravel onto it. You could also silicone and sprinkle with sand.
  15. All the more for the rest of us :bounce:
  16. It appears a 1 - 2 hr exposure sets me off and it takes another 1 - 2 hrs for the symptoms to start easing again. :roll: I don't want to be permanently on antihistamines
  17. Just made some apple cinnamon muffins to bring with us
  18. I can't see any sign of a moult. Bud fluffed and dropped feathers all over the place when he moulted! Now that you mention it, I have not found a single loose feather lying about anywhere. Can't see anything covering his feathers either. I have had him with me for a couple of hours and my eyes are stinging and itching again I will feel so bad if we have to sell him due to me having an allergy
  19. Ryanjury and I will see it ourselves tomorrow as we are visiting kiwiplymouth and taking him some fish (they are still alive and well kiwiplymouth !) :bounce:
  20. He had a very messy bath this morning! :lol: Water went a looong way! Pepper likes to duck his whole body under then climb up on your shoulder and shake like a dog. Then we sat in the sun to dry out. I have seen red mites in budgies and there is no sign of them, or the other ones, on this bird.
  21. I've seen no sign of mites and Pepper doesn't seem to be scratching. Grant's just been called out again (back to Nelson). So much for having a day off :evil: After almost an hour away from Pepper my eyes settled. Now I have him back so will see if the eyes get worse again. Here's hoping it is something outside and not the bird. Bud did not sit on my shoulder all the time so I was not as close to him for such long periods as we are with this bird.
  22. Is it possible to be allergic to a conure but not a budgie? I have the feeling I am reacting to Pepper. He has spent a couple of hours sitting on my shoulder and now my eyes are red and sore. I was fine earlier and no problems the past 2 days when he has gone to work with Grant. It happened the other day too but I thought it was hayfever, although I did joke that perhaps I was allergic to Pepper. Perhaps I have always been allergic to birds but a budgie is too small to cause a reaction :-? Hmm this might be a problem unless Grant takes him with him all the time. Not sure if the headache that has been coming and going is connected either (I don't think so) but I rarely get headaches, just a migraine once every 7 years or so :roll:
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