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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I edited your post there Mystic as I am sure you did not mean to leave the L out of the word "tilt" in the last sentence. Don't want anyone making suggestions and references to wet T shirt competitions! :lol:
  2. Caryl

    Dither Fish

    Dwarf neon rainbows, Melanotaenia praecox, can get to about 6cm. Featherfin rainbows reach 5cm but are very fine and delicate looking.
  3. Caryl

    Dither Fish

    I too would suggest rainbows.
  4. Good to hear you got it sorted in the end Stella. I have learned never to sit down with a book while a tank is filling :roll: When I use my siphon python thing to refill it is very very slow and I tend to forget it is going (especially if my head is in a book!) so I now refill using the good old bucket sytem and consider it good exercise and worthy of a dessert. With 2 buckets I can have one filling while I pour the other into the tank. The dual tap goes at just the right speed to be almost full by the time I return with the empty bucket. If it overflows it only goes into the sink and we don't pay for wayer useage.
  5. Caryl


    That's my innocent look. Isn't it convincing? :lol:
  6. Must I? :lol: Thanks. See you at your place.
  7. Cool! I love insects. Their patterns are beautiful.
  8. Caryl


    :oops: silly me, I misread it. :roll:
  9. Caryl


    How deep is it? It is possible the water is getting too hot and lacking oxygen. What you have done so far is good and the hose will bring the temp down and what I would have suggested. How big is the pond and are there other fish in it? If so, how many? Are they doing the same or just this one? I gather the pond has no filtration or fountain, waterfall etc? A fountain, or similar, would help but make sure it does not spray the lily leaves as lilies do not like that.
  10. Grant, Pepper, and I would like to attend if we may? It looks like we will be in ChCh that weekend so jenniferh can give us a feather clipping demonstration. Plus we need to purchase a mobile home for Pepper for when we go away on weekends. He has difficulty fitting through the door on Bud's old cage :roll: and the new cage is waaay too big for transporting everywhere.
  11. Caryl


    Down to one???? What has happened to Organism, 3 Animates, Redwood Aquatics, Petworld, Bubble N Squeak and the others???
  12. I would post mine Zev except I keep getting a message telling me my image, which is only 160 x 158, may only be up to 640 pixels wide. :-?
  13. I thought the sunsets were just a colour morph so genetics will play a part in your fry colour. They fry are so small how can you tell colour? :-? Many fish don't colour up for a while.
  14. One can never have too many glass merchants (if they are good ones) 8)
  15. NEWSFLASH: Trademe is not the only place to sell things
  16. Caryl


    I always go to Organism but there is such a choice in ChCh you ought to visit them all and make your own decision based on who has what you want in good quality at the price you can afford.
  17. That looks soooo much like you zev!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. You can also have a nice planted tank without adding co2, ferts, fancy substrate etc
  19. I know what you mean there P! :lol: He doesn't sneeze (that we've heard so far) and that is the first time we have seen him tuck up on the pocket like that on Grant and go to sleep. Usually he snuggles in under his chin. Perhaps playing with the pens tired him out :roll: Note the anti poo device wrapped around the shoulders He seems to be teaching himself a little toilet training as he tries to move away from us when he poos. Gotta watch where you are walking these days.
  20. Parrot version of "la la la la I can't hear you!"? :lol:
  21. What does she do to the filter when she does the 90% water changes? Is it possible the tank is re-cycling every week, hence the brown algae?
  22. Caryl


    Yes there are people all the time trying to get rid of them as they hadn't realised how big they get. I know of one person whose pacu outgrew his 6ft x 2ft tank. It couldn't turn around
  23. Oh no! Not only have I bonded with a geek, but he is a boring geek!!!
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