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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Then ignore Phoenix and don't lump the rest of us in with him. His last post was unnecessarily rude as far as I am concerned. Livingart is correct and I think it is a problem with semantics. You are not ignorant and your fish are fine in the lower temperature. I could keep those fish the same way here over summer but certainly not in winter. My concern was that beginners could misunderstand and think those fish were true cold water species when they are not. Whatever, I don't think you should leave a forum because of one person. I also suggest you don't put the fish in with the axies as axies will try and eat anything that moves in front of their face :roll:
  2. I'm sorry you feel you were attacked and criticised but that was not the case. We were merely trying to help you keep your fish in the best possible conditions for them. I am sure your fish are fine in Auckland temperatures but to claim you are being attacked when we are merely trying to correct a common misconception is unfair.
  3. These are Tasti Cashew Pieces packed in an environmentally controlled atmosphere to ensure they stay fresher for longer! (according to the packet). It also says they are a popular snack when roasted and salted so I will assume these are plain. There is no ingredient list except a warning to say they may have traces of other nuts processed in the same factory. Anyway, time for more pics... Here is Pepper enjoying a breakfast of apple, Weetbix, kiwifruit, bran, peach, muesli and broccoli. I suspect he only ate the apple although he did eat a little broccoli later. and here is his house... He was funny today as I put him in his cage when I went to town and boy did I get a telling off when I came home to let him out again! :lol: He muttered away and was quite grumpy for a while :lol: He is going to be real upset on Friday as I will be at work all day!
  4. Small town life isn't always great Jennifer as some time ago, in this same small town, my bag was stolen (with wallet inside) so this makes up for it :bounce: She really appreciated her thank you gift 8)
  5. I walked into town today, as usual, and realised at my destination that my wallet had fallen out of the backpack! PANIC!!! I started walking back the way I came looking everywhere (a 4km journey). Texted Grant to see if he was still home. Luckily he was just driving down the same road so started looking too. I then got 2 phone calls, both from guys called Mike! Mike 1 was a cop who said someone had found my wallet and had left it at Meaters (a butcher shop halfway up the road I had walked) then Mike 2, who was the owner of Meaters, to say he had it in the office. A lovely lady had picked it up outside and left it there to be collected. Money and cards all intact. I don't usually have cash in my wallet but had my birthday money in there this time! The thought of having to cancel cards etc was also daunting so I am very relieved it was found by an honest person I am off to buy her flowers and choccies as a thank you, as she left her name and phone number
  6. None of the toys in the pack have mirrors on them so that won't be a problem. We didn't get anything mirrored for Bud either as we knew that wasn't good. I have just been to the supermarket and got some brown rice, red kidney beans, haricot beans and cashew nuts so will make up the recipe tonight. I already had the other ingredients.
  7. The idea to contact those companies is a good one. I forgot you could do that (like deferring mortgage payments) and you will find them very helpful if you keep them informed. My daughter has been going through her (extensive) CD collection and selling off on Trademe the ones she no longer listens to. She has been amazed at how much she has been making and many of them don't have covers any more (she keeps them in a CD wallet and I suspect many of the covers are in a box in our garage somewhere)!
  8. A little more detail would help. What sort of container are they in? Inside or outside? A lot of daphnia in it, or a little?
  9. I hope he lives a long happy life. I cried today when I cleaned out Bud's cage and packed away his toys At the moment we are new parents worried we are doing it wrong. Conures are different to budgies :-? (one of the reasons we got it, as it wouldn't remind us of Bud so much. Couldn't get another budgie)
  10. Thanks for that. So much for my helpful starter kit items :-? It also has a large bag of grit in it but I read grit is a no-no as well :roll: Daily observation of poo is not difficult as it is usually on my shoulder, head, or back, not the cage :lol:
  11. We need to keep the conure stuff out of this thread I think or it will get confusing. :-? I will ask questions (ad nauseum) over there :lol: Thank you for your patience and helpful advice.
  12. Forgot to ask also, what paper are you referring to? I have paper lining the base, so I can replace it easily but we were also given a bag of shredded paper. Are supposed to be putting that in the bottom for it to play with or something? So many questions but we want to get it right. I think we are but are just panicking a bit :-? :roll:
  13. Thanks, I will give it a go. At the moment I am feeding him what we eat, plus he has the seed mix the shop gave us, but he is not eating anywhere near half a cup of anything!
  14. Thanks for that but what sort of beans are you referring to? Pardon my ignorance :oops: You mean he should be eating half a cup of food per day? My local shop does have those seeds separately bagged. He won't get any fat or sugar here as we are a Weight Watcher's household
  15. They are right. They are not true cold water fish, they can merely tolerate lower temperatures than tropicals. This does not make them cold water fish. I am sure in some parts of NZ they can live outside all year round, in the right conditions, but certainly not in most areas!
  16. So does Pepper :lol: (not too badly though) I think Pepper is male as he keeps trying to get at my bra strap through my T shirt :lol: Err, what's a kitchen?? :-? :roll: :lol:
  17. He is rarely in his cage :roll: Settles in at night though so he can have a good sleep. Haven't actually looked at how to train him yet :-?
  18. It will be a family friendly feeling
  19. Was this a scream like a girl? :lol: Thanks Mark. I can tell you now he LOVES apple! He got a bit tetchy when I wouldn't give him some more. :lol: So he can eat apple pips? I cut them out as I know they can have fruit stones. I wil have to start feeling up its chest :lol:
  20. I can see why moving would not make sense and I know how hard it is to find bond money etc. One thing you said gave me pause for thought. You said that you were eating in a lot more now. Why are you not eating in all the time? Many young people today say they are budgeting but it is a false budget. Takeaways and fast foods are not a cheap option and I am always amazed at how many people can afford to eat at these places. When my kids were little, McD was a birthday treat we saved up for, not a weekly (or in some cases daily) thing. I know a couple who complain money is tight and they are having trouble managing but they have the latest big screen TV and fancy stereo system. They have broadband internet and Sky. They rent DVDs regularly and go out to the pub or movies. They both have cell phones with monthly plans. Believe it or not, these are not the necessities of life! I have no idea whether you have any of these things but is it possible to cut some of them, or change a plan? I would suggest you start a vege garden too but it won't help you in the short term Any chance your parents can help out with meals sometimes? I have no objection to you trying to get a benefit for the short term. That is what they are there for. I think some are being a bit harsh and judgemental here.
  21. I thought I read somewhere they shouldn't have sunflower seeds :-? I am not worried about over-eating, I am worried about Pepper not eating enough. Unless Pepper starts to play games, it is not getting much exercise so far as doesn't seem interested. Happy to just perch on a shoulder all day long :roll: (must be male :lol: ) We are doing our best to offer variety and have tried, so far, pumpkin (loves that), kiwifruit, Weetbix, peaches (loved them too), sultanas, bran (liked that but careful in case too much will give the runs), peas (played with but didn't actually eat), potato (liked that too). Bought some broccoli today so he will get some greens. I see they like dandelions too so will go and pick some. I think for lunch he will be offered a little porridge and some apple. In between times he has the seed mix the shop gave us in a seed dish in his cage but he is so rarely in there he does not have ready access. He can't get into it unless we put him in there anyway. He can fly down but not up.
  22. That coloUr blue is actually green
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