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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE61O28120100225
  2. Caryl

    Word Association

    shut (they will think we mean sticky stuff to close cardboard cartons)
  3. :lol: You should have used a better colour marker to show up more 8)
  4. What were we supposed to talk about? You recommended a book and we all agreed it sounded good and might consider purchasing a copy. Unless someone actually buys it and gives a review it is natural the thread stopped. Got any pics from the whale tagging? Not a job I would like as I get sea sick, even on the beach :-?
  5. I think it is obvious what they were doing Zev! 8) More to the point, what was David doing, doing water changes at 2am?
  6. I saw some around the 7cm mark for sale at $37.90 recently (in a lfs in ChCh I think)
  7. Perhaps Carlos' snail shows smoking isn't good for you
  8. I can see why people love plecs. Pity most of them hide so much :-?
  9. It is looking great. Any suggestions on what order she should gradually add the fish? I have never kept a number of those she plans to keep so do not know enough about them to offer advice on stocking order :-?
  10. Really hard to tell. Bouyancy problems can have a number of causes; water quality (but others are fine so not in this case), constipation, gas from inhaling too much air while feeding, internal infection or genetics.
  11. There are some nasty people about. Sorry for your loss Adodge
  12. No we didn't bother thanks anyway Zev. Have you realised yet you forgot to give us the books for jenniferh?
  13. We had a great weekend! Thanks to the HBAS members who made it so memorable and special thanks to Diane and Kevin for the good food, accommodation and conversation. Art Deco weekend was great and it was lovely to see so many people dressed in period costume. I will upload photos soon. The exec meeting went well then we had a pot luck tea, auction, scavenger hunt, Funimal creating, and sleepover in the National Aquarium. The next day was a tank crawl around some local members' places followed by a BBQ lunch. Thanks to all who participated. :bounce:
  14. Is it few enough mm's enough to get away with planing the desk down at skirting level?
  15. As said, check for rot then wash and chuck in. I too have heard that baking soda helps make it sink faster but I do not know if it actually so. I suggest people try it anyway 8) I scrub mine with a nail brush then hose it down and add. There is little salt left in it if it is hosed well and the nooks and crannies cleared of debris.
  16. Please Sir, my brain is full!
  17. We were given a small one once by a fisherman who found it in one of his nets. It was white and only about 10cm from centre to tentacle tips. We had a cold water rockpool marine set up and put it in there but hardly ever saw it as it spent most of its time buried in the sand. You could only spot it when it blinked Unfortunately it escaped one night and in the morning we found it a bit dried out and fluffed to death on the carpet.
  18. Lucky we have people like Mark and Caroline who can help in these situations and lucky for Kahu that you found him.
  19. Sounds like heat might be the problem (plus the pond needs cleaning). Knowing your location would help You don't have to do weekly water changes in a pond but advice varies depending on the size of the pond, the depth of the pond and the size and number of fish.
  20. I am pleased to anounce Zev's AW arrived the same day I did. We could have saved a stamp!! :roll:
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