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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Grant and I have sent in our registrations (in fact we have paid in full) so get yours in today!! Booking early can get you cheap flights too We will be taking 2 vehicles down so if anyone wants to come across as a walk-on ferry passenger, we can pick you up from the ferry and transport you to the venue and back to the ferry again.
  2. Perhaps if enough of us enquire for the book at our local library, more of them will order it in
  3. Next we will be being sued for the weight gain of those who overdosed on popcorn! Just stick to the topic people and comment on the book only.
  4. Since I know both Dave and Stella I will have to buy both books! I know both know their subject.
  5. You have to be careful of the hand brake too. It often comes loose.
  6. Did it pass? Many people don't think to check the tread on their BBQ tyres often enough!!
  7. no I think that is deflation Of course there are those who would claim that was a result of the punctuation
  8. An English professor wrote the words, “Woman without her man is nothing” on the blackboard and directed his students to punctuate it correctly. The men wrote: “Woman, without her man, is nothing.” The women wrote: “Woman: Without her, man is nothing.”
  9. Text language has been around a lot longer than you youngins, it is not a new invention. The men using Morse code used it when writing their messages I am sure you have also all seen the speed test done between some teen texters ad a couple of Morse men in their 80's. The Morse guys won.
  10. I really think it is an age thing. The young ones prefer predictive but us oldies find the other way easier and faster.
  11. "Death" is a bit harsh. He appears alive and well to me! :lol: Welcome back henward 8)
  12. Can anyone tell me how to turn the stupid predictive text off? It is an old Nokia, unsure of the model number. I know it is somewhere weird but can't find it. I HATE predictive text! :evil: It never predicts what I am going to say :roll:
  13. I don't know how they kept straight faces :lol:
  14. What about using a watering can? Or use a smaller container to pur the water in. If you then pour it onto your hand you should be able to manage without disturbing anything else.
  15. I agree. The squishy stuff will have been eaten after the fish was dead, not necessarily the cause. If the fish was only 3 yrs old then old age was not a factor. You should get a lot more years than that from a flying fox.
  16. Hopefully someone can answer this as I have never used the stuff :-?
  17. Someone sent me this link. Very funny I thought. As it involves a dead cat, I suggest cat lovers don't listen or watch it
  18. I appreciated the article Si and hope you didn't mind I chopped it back a bit :-?
  19. Must have been Valentine's Day in your house :lol:
  20. No I definitely saw yours, with the correct address, go into the bag. They were only posted on Friday though so I was most surprised to find some had already received theirs Saturday! Perhaps tomorrow will be your lucky day 8) It is funny bagging and addressing the magazines as I recognise so many of the names and picture the people in my mind (if I have met them face to face). I always say hello to them as I slip the address label into the bag :lol:
  21. I thought they had decided it was only too noisy when both filters were running? Perhaps I need to go back and re-read from the beginning :-?
  22. The Amazing Donna is also going to be guest speaker at conference this year! Those coming to conference may also get the opportunity to visit her home and turtle sanctuary on the Monday after conference 8)
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